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"My name is not of any importance," 

I say to him, not even bothering to look his way as I make my statement. "Class, we have a new transfer student, would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher says to me, catching me off guard. "Uh sure why not." 'It's not like they give you a choice anyway.' I clear my throat, preparing to speak. "Hello everyone, my name is Chae Mihyun and I just transferred here from my home. I used to be homeschooled because my parents are overprotective and wanted me to stay home. So uh yeah, I hope you all take care of me." I bow then sit down, sighing in my head. 'If they ever found out why I was really homeschooled...no. Not the time to think about that.'

In the corner of my eye, I can see Namjoon give me this sympathetic look before he looks away toward the board. 'I wonder what that was about.' "I would like you all to flip to page 131 and get your devices out. Mihyun, see me after class so I can give you yours." "Yes sir," I say quietly, but just loud enough for him to hear. "So today we're going to learn about..." I drown his voice out in my head. 'I can't get that look he gave me out of my mind. Does he know? No, that's not possible. Unless- yeah, no I don't remember a Namjoon going to my other high school.'

"Chae Mihyun!" I break out of my trance lifting my head up off my arm turning my attention to the voice. "I said can you read the next sentence for me?" Eyes that weren't already on me now turn toward me. "Uh, yeah sure, sorry..." I begin to read but I don't pay attention to what I'm reading as my mind wanders somewhere else. I hear the bell ring in the distance and snap out of my trance once more, seeing people begin to pack up. The teacher tells us what's for homework as some people rush out and some people stay to hear him out.

The room gets emptier as the hallways get louder. I walk up to his desk as he hands me a computer in a bag. "Do you know how to work it?" I nod my head yes as I wait for him to say something else. "Then you should be good to go. Do you know where your next class is? Do you need a pass?" I pull out my schedule from my pocket, feeling the paper that Sungmin gave me. I smile in my head thinking about the different reactions I could get out of the girl I'll give this paper to. I unfold the schedule and look at my next class. "My next class is math with Ms. Kim room number 124." He pats me on the back, "Then you're all set, her room is right next to mine on this side." He says pointing toward the board. "Okay thank you, Mr. Tan." I bow slightly before packing up my things to leave.

I leave the room seeing Sungmin in the hallway. 'This is the perfect time to lie about him telling me to give some random girl his number heh heh heh.' I think to myself, grinning uncontrollably in my mind. I take out the paper and walk up to the first girl I see. "Um excuse me?" I tap her on the shoulder, she turns around and blows a bubble with her bubble gum. "Yeah what do you want?" She says to me seemingly annoyed. I lift up the paper. "That guy over there told me to give this to you," I say, pointing to Sungmin thinking about whether or not she'll get excited or curse me out or faint. "Noo way," She snatches the paper and opens it. "Omg girls look! I got Sungmin's number!" She starts jumping up and down, her big loop earrings getting tangled in her hair. Her friends come to her rescue while also saying at the same time, "Omg, are you gonna send him a ton of nudes? He's gonna get so hooked on your body!" 

At this point, I decide to continue down the hallway to the next classroom but I can still hear their chattering. "Omg yas girl!" I hear in the distance as their cheers get quieter slowly as I stop in front of the door I'm supposed to be at. A person with a familiar scent passes by me, and as I'm about to look behind me to the person, the bell rings. I rush inside to an empty seat in the back, starting to unpack things. 'I smelt that cologne before...' I see an image of Namjoon leaning close to me when I was by my locker earlier today. 'Oh, maybe he's in this class too?' I look around but don't see him. 'Hm, weird. Maybe he has some sibling or a roomie or something. Not that it matters if he's in this class or not.' I shrug it off seating myself and putting my needed book out in front of me, turning my computer on as well.

-Lunch Time-

The bell rings, dismissing the 4th class of the day. I pack up my computer and books and head to my locker to put away the things I don't need and get the things I do need. I decide that I'm not all that hungry and head to the roof for fresh air. Upon opening the door, I am welcomed with a beautiful bright blue sky with white fluffy clouds here and there. I walk up to the rail, putting my hand on it and leaning forward a bit, closing my eyes and feeling the breeze. Then I look down, the cars and the people, they all look smaller, making me giggle slightly for some reason. I hear the door open behind me, and I turn around to be met with the gaze of the man I'd just met earlier today. 

Namjoon stopped in his tracks looking at me as the door shut softly behind him. I turn back around not saying anything as I hear him clear his throat. He walks beside me and from my peripheral vision I can see him opening and closing his mouth to start a conversation but as a few minutes go by, he stops trying. I don't move, I don't scoot away, instead I enjoy the sun beaming on my skin while the clouds form different shapes making their way to a different part of the world. Suddenly I decide to speak. "I'm not interested in friends." I can feel tension start to build in the air. I turn and start walking away when I  hear him turn around too, not saying anything. I stop to give him a chance when I hear a sigh. I take that as my cue to leave as I make my way out the door to my next class, making sure not to be late. 

A/N hey uhm so I said I was gonna upload my books on AO3 but I'm not doing that just yet (even tho i said soon) I'm just being lazy rn cuz it seems like a lot to set up. Anywho I hope you enjoyed this late ass chapter (imma start working on the next one as soon as I publish this) uhm yeah bai for now

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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