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"We've arrived miss Mihyun." My chauffeur, Haesook-ssi, opens the door for me, gesturing me to exit the limo. "Gracias~" I say teasingly knowing her one weakness in different languages is Spanish. Her eyebrow twitches slightly. "Why do you feel the need to do that...Mihyun?" "I giggle. "OoOo she dropped the 'miss' before my name~" I say teasingly seeing her eyebrow do the twitch again. "Just- just get into school." She sighs hanging her head admitting defeat. "Okay! Have a good day...Ahjumma~" I hear her scoff before mumbling "I'm still 27 you little brat" before pulling off. 

I chuckle to myself before I control my face to go dull. 'And here begins phase number 1 of the "don't get any acquaintances so they don't become your fake ass friends" plan.' I think to myself, walking into the school keeping my head low so people don't notice me as the princess. 'It would be nice if it were the first day of school. I could blend in easier and not be late to class...' I think to myself, cursing out my mother in my head. 

"She knew she wouldn't give me a choice of whether or not to come to school, I could've come here on the first day of school to blend in with the rest...it's pretty noticeable to see some person walking around asking people "Hey!! can you help me find room number 324?" or something. I mumble to myself entering the office. "Hello, can I help you?" The office lady says, not turning her head away from her computer screen. 

'What can be so important that you can't even look at me-' "Uh, hi I'm new here? My name is Chae Mihyun and I need a schedule." She glances at me, for less than a second then looks back at her computer. "Mhm, Chae Mihyun" She glances back at me, stares at me, then her jaw drops realizing who I am. "Holy shi- I'm so sorry I didn't realize who you were!" She opens her drawer going through a bunch of papers like her life depends on it. 'Yeah you better-' "It's okay, I'm nothing like my parents." After taking another 30 seconds to find the paper, she hands it to me along with a map of the school. "I've circled off where all of your classes are and put the circles with classroom numbers." 

Before I think to say thank you an idea pops into my head. 'oh well, might as well have fun while I'm here.' "You dare respond to me without calling me princess? And on top of that, you think I'm so dim-witted that I cannot find my classes by myself? Such impudence." Her eyes widen in the realization of what I just said. Before she had a chance to apologize I say something else. "Just kidding! That's something my mom would say. I would prefer people didn't know who I was actually." She nodded her head, not knowing what to say as I put up a duces sign and leave the office making my way to my homeroom.

"If she did her work right then this should be the right classroom." I knock, then enter the room, eyes turning towards me. The teacher turns toward me slamming her hand down on her desk. "You're late." She pushes her glasses upwards as she glares at me."I'm sorry I just transferred here." I bow 90 degrees before realizing, 'Wow I've never had to bow to anyone but my parents before' "Name?" "Chae Mihyun." She looks at a paper in her hand, I'm guessing she was doing roll call. "Ah yes there is a Chae Mihyun on here. You may have a seat next to Sungmin. Please raise your hand Sungmin." 

"Ayo," He says uncrossing his arms and using his pointer and middle finger to make a gesture from his forehead to me. I ignore him and sit down in the chair putting my belongings on the floor next to me. The teacher hands me some textbooks, and before she walks away she tells me in a low tone to see her after class. 'I didn't do anything wrong already did I? Nah I'm probably fine.' I think to myself looking at the books she gave me. 'Oh these are for my other classes, I guess this is what homeroom is like. I was homeschooled so everything was a homeroom. Haha, nice joke Mihyun.'

-Sometime later-

The bell rang for the class to be over and as people started piling out of the room Sungmin places a piece of paper on my desk then leaves. I pick it up with curiosity looking around thinking maybe he wants me to pass it to someone and I just didn't get the hint. 'Nope, I'm the only one left...' Then I look behind me and find this one guy packing up still. 'Unless he's gay? Uhm I don't think so...' I open the paper to see a number and a note. "Mihyun why don't you join me and my friends for lunch? And here's my number ;)" "Tch." I rip the paper, separating the note from the number, and with the little space left I write his name. "Hehe, I'm gonna give this to some random girl and say he told me to give it to her." I chuckle to myself folding the paper and putting it in my uniform's jacket pocket. 

I walk up to the teacher's desk, waiting for her to finish typing to talk to me. "Chae Mihyun," "Yes ma'am?" She stops typing to look at me as she pushes her glasses up once more. "I understand that you are the princess of this kingdom but I will treat you as equally as I can without getting in trouble with your parents." I bow to her. "Thank you ma'am I appreciate that. I would also appreciate it if you could email my other teachers to do the same. I would prefer for those that don't know me as a princess to stay that way." She goes back to typing then holds her hand out. Without saying anything I somehow guess that she wants my schedule for the name of my teachers so she could email them. 

"Do you want to join any clubs?" She asks me grabbing a paper off her desk. "Uhm, yeah sure I'll see what you've got to offer." She goes back to typing as I look over the paper. "When you decide on what you want, come back and I'll let the others know, m'kay?" "Yes ma'am," I say bowing and turning to leave before I stop and turn back around. "I'm sorry but, I was never told your name." She hands me back my schedule and points to my first class, her name being right next to the room number. I facepalm in my head before chuckling awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I'll get going now, Ms. Lee. Oh, and thank you for the books!"

I gather my things, exiting the room as others begin piling in. I check my watch, 8:07 it reads. "Cool, I still got 3 minutes to get there." I go to my locker which just so happens to be in the same hallway as my homeroom. "How convenient," I say in a low voice to myself as I make my way there. Someone bumps into me, pushing me back a little. 'Woah that was nothing like the movies where they drop all their books' 

"Watch it, twerp." I look up at him giving him a confused look as he's the one that pushed me. "Looks like you're new here, so I'll tell you something." He leans down to me since I'm much shorter than him. "Mess with me and my friends and I'll make your life a living hell." 'Guess he doesn't know who I am.' I brush off my shoulder to signal 'Don't touch me with your dirty self' and continue walking to my locker. He follows me to it as I put a lock on it for later when I don't need books to carry.

He leans against my locker, crossing his arms as he waits for a bit before commenting something else. "Feisty aren't ya" I finish putting the lock on and start making my way to my next class. Eventually, I get tired of him following me around. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" He fakes a gasp. "She speaks!" I scoff then roll my eyes as I continue heading toward where I need to be. "Well actually if you must know, you're going in the same direction of where my class is so I want to know if you're in the same hallway or actually have the same class as me.

"Why are you concerning yourself with me, you called me a twerp earlier did you not?" He clears his throat. "Yeah well, I change my mind. I'm starting to like you, y'know? I like girls that resist my charm." I give a sarcastic laugh. "Charm" I finally find the room of my first class, making my way inside I see an empty seat in the back. 'Yes! No front seat whoo hoo!' I think to myself as I begin to put my stuff down. "That's my seat." Says the man that followed me here. 'I guess there are assigned seats here.' I begin to grab my bags before he starts laughing. "Just kidding! Nobody likes to sit there because the person that sits in that seat is really tall." He says as he points to the seat in front of me. "Well then it's good I'm sitting here. I don't need my eyes to listen to directions." I say putting down the things I grabbed to leave the seat. 

"By the way my name's Namjoon. What's yours?

So, here's another chapter like you guys asked. I'm sorry that it's not up to par, I had writer's block while writing this and I kinda eased into writing it so it might not sound as good as the other chapters. I made this one a little longer (I think) because I missed a bunch of weeks. But anywho school just started and I want good grades so I might only update like once or twice a month. I don't know if you noticed this but italicized sentences with apostrophes instead of quotes are thoughts. I didn't say "I thought" after one of them because I thought it was getting repetitive so yeah. Thank you guys for commenting and voting, I really appreciate the love. And thank you for taking the time to read this long ass author note. 

-Author Nim

The Princess That Loved 7 Princes (BTS FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora