I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey, most steakhouses have pretty decent wedge salads. You know how you like anything covered in blue cheese," Sammy gave me a poke as he spoke.

I let out a smile, "true. I bet they have a terrible ranch."

"Oh, for sure, and ketchup. Seriously, I don't want truffles in my ketchup, and I want Hidden Valley Ranch. It's good; I don't need some fancy house special anything. I swear one of these days, I'm just going to start carrying bottles of each in my pocket."

I knew the rant was to entertain me.

"Sarah would kill you."

"What can I say? I like what I like, and what I like comes in a bottle for $1.99."

I shook my head at him, "I love you."

I leaned into him but misjudged it missing his chest and landing more in his lap. I twisted so that I could use his lap as a pillow.

"I don't know how I survived while you were in California."

He brushed a tendril of hair from my face gazing down at me for a moment before changing the subject.

"Okay, so; we're going to get into Maine late on Friday night." He began as his mind worked through his plan. He knew planning always soothed me. "I'm thinking of fast food on the way. I checked the map, and I know you prefer McDonald's to BK, but hear me out. BK has the Impossible Whopper now, and I know you like that green shit. I think you should give it a try."

"I'm in," I felt the tension of my dreaded date with Conner slipping away.

"We have to remember; despite how good they look on the sign, their fries are like cardboard. So say it with me: onion rings, onion rings."

"I can't do onion rings," I protested.

"Em, it's me; I don't care if your breath smells like onions."

I looked at him sideways.

"I know you like onion rings. You'll eat them, and you'll enjoy them. I'll make sure to bring some Altoids, so you don't feel like you have to hold your breath for hours. Besides, it's not like we're going to be making out."

"Fine," I smiled. "Sometimes, I feel like you know me too well."

Sammy hesitated for a moment before shaking off the thought and continuing, "okay, then Saturday morning; Stones. Just get it out of the way. Then we could drive through the old neighborhood on the way to visit my dad and Danny."

I gave him a nod.

"I checked with Conner, and Nana is right there with Danny, so plan accordingly when we stop for flowers."

I smiled up at him as he continued through the day.

"Lunch, we stop at Hamon's. That's as good a time as any to meet up with Jacob."

Sammy spoke begrudgingly about Jacob, which caused me to let out a laugh. He smiled at me and absently ran his fingers through my hair.

"That afternoon, I thought we would hit up Bull Moose and maybe take a swing past Danny's old place if you are up for it." He smiled down at me to gauge my response, and I gave him a slight nod before he continued. "Then, dinner with your parents. Sunday before we head out, breakfast at Stones again because... why not? What do you think?"

I smiled, "it sounds like you thought of everything."

"No, seriously, this is your trip. What did I forget?"

"Nothing, it sounds perfect. Thank you for putting so much thought into this. I wouldn't even be going without you." I pulled myself up from his lap.

Red Balloon: A Sequel to The Cost of FallingWhere stories live. Discover now