Ushijima Wakatoshi x timid!reader

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A voice echoed as you heard loud footsteps ran down the hallway. You looked over as you held onto a few items. It was notebooks and papers,you were helping out a few teachers.

Your eyes widened as you saw a red head's smile grown and eyebrows furrow.

"FUCK-" you barked as they just screamed like a child. It was clearly but you then looked at the papers all over the ground and the box they were stacked in on the ground.

"N-no!" You whined.

"Wait! I could have sworn I know you!" The boy said as you stared at their big hand held out to you. They had a kind of gentle smile.

You nervously let the stranger help you up.

They then smiled brightly. "Photography club! I've seen you go to other clubs!" He smiled and bent down softly and inspected your features.

"Ooh,pretty eyes~!" They said and smiled brightly.

Their hand was on your chin as you flushed deeply and pushed them back.

"N-no.." you blurted out. "Sorry you were startling me.." you mumbled.

A smile grew once again on the male. They put their arm on the wall beside you and stared at you looking satisfied. 

"Wakatoshi-kun will be a little bit~" they said flirtatiously.

You never said no. Nor did you say yes. So they were going continue until you said no.

You were just deeply flushed and nervously closing your eyes.

"Tendou. What are you doing?" A deep voice spoke up.

Your eyes widened and you looked over,seeing a male who had a stern and serious face. You only flushed more.

Oh my..

They' hot hOlY-

You thought. The redhead now claimed as tendou let go of the wall and smiled. "Having a moment. " he smirked.

"He's lying,isn't he."

"Yes. " you said. You slipped from beside the male and started licking up your papers on your hands and knees.

The red head huffed and walked off "see ya in the gym ushiwaka-San." He smiled.

The 'wakatoshi-kun' knelt down with you and helped clean up papers.

"What's your name..?" They questions.

"F-f/n.. f/n l/n" you managed to get out. "I'm the photography club president. " you smile softly. Holding your hand out.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi." They happilt shook your hand. "Volleyball clubs captain. "

You flushed. You've been gagging over this male since day one.

You saw his plays and you fell in love. He looked kind. Humble. And respectful.

"G-great meeting you!" You blurted out and grabbed the half filled box of papers and rushed off.
"But your papers-!" He realize dtkh wouldn't listen. So he sighed and took the papers to the gym.

I went to the gym and set the stack of papers down.

"What's that ushijima-senpai?" A male with purple bangs asked.

"Some girl tendou ran into dropped her papers. But she ran off so I'll hold onto it-"

"Was she cute?!" Peaked the childish One names Goshiki.

"Oh,Y/n.."Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя