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I'm currently working in a long one-shot, so here have this.

Damian and Jon had been best friends for years, it felt like a lifetime actually.

Their family had always suspected that they had a crush on each other, but the dorks were too stupid to even realize that.

It had been even harder when Damian had realized and refused, then he had accepted it, but he preferred to hide it than loose his friendship with Jon.

It wasn't until Jon realized it that he declared to Damian and Damian declared to him.

And even with that, it took them some more months to start dating.

Damian had come out to his family. It was nice.

Even with all that his family already knew they would end up together.

But that didn't changed the fact that they could be a little overprotective over their little brother.

It had all started the day Jon had come over the manor to eat for the first time as Damian's boyfriend, at least officially.

Dick had won 20 dollars from the other two, as they had bet how long would it take those two to make official. Jason had said less than a month, Tim had said two, and Duck had said actually 3.

The boys were taking things slowly.

That was good for Jon's sake if he still wanted to get out of here alive.

Dick was at the kitchen, he had offered to go get the food and bring it to the garden, where they were eating.

"Hey Dick!"

"Hm. Kent."

Dick never called Jon Kent that was more of a Damian's thing.

Jon tried to not let his increasing nervousness show.

"Can I, uh, help you with something?"

"Yes, take this." He threw one of the dishes at him, if it wasn't for Jon's powers he wouldn't have catch it.

"What the-" Dick as now in front of him, he never saw the guy move.

He had a glare, a bat glare. It was sometimes easy to forget the man used to be Batman when he had seen the man burning a kitchen down trying to make fast ramen.

"Believe me Jonathan, I may be pretty nice when I want to-but I'm not nice to the ones that hurt my brothers."

Dick grabbed a knife that was in the counter behind Jon, and aggressively started cutting the meat that Alfred had prepared.

"And Bruce may have some codes, but believe me, for Damian, I can go way farther than that."

Dick stabbed the counter with the knife, it stood still...it was a rock counter. Jon blinked as Dick's glare banished and turned into a smile and opened the door as he asked who was hungry.

Jon wasn't.

Not anymore.


The next time had been at his house. His own freaking house.

It was one of the occasions when Kon would invite Tim to hang out. Jon didn't knew, he had been out, having a romantic date with Damian at somewhere in Europe. Hey, having powers did had his perks after all.

Like visiting his boyfriend whenever he was traveling.

He had arrived in not the best shape, maybe his hair was a little messy from the flight over the sky, and his shirt wasn't too tidy either.

"Hi Jon."

He had nearly screamed when he opened the door to see the former Robin sitting, in his couch.

Taking a sip of coffee, just as if he hadn't scared the hell out of Jon. Who by the way, screamed in a very, deep manly way.

"Tim. God. You scared me."

Tim didn't said anything. He continued drinking his coffee.

"Uh so, did Kon invited you over?"

"Looks like you had fun."

Jon started sweating. Was it his imagination or it was very hot in here? He didn't knew.

Tim wasn't the one who smiled a lot, but today his eyes looked even darker than usual, in more ways than one. He had one of his eyebrows raised at him as he put his mug down.

"Look kid, I'm going straight to the point. Kon is waiting for me."

Jon nodded.

"I may like your brother, and I may like you too, you're nice. But Damian is my little brother. That means that I know many ways of killing a super if they mess up with the wrong person." Jon felt goosebumps, Tim's glare was even darker than Dick's. "Damian has had enough, I believe you will be good for him, but if you don't..."

Tim didn't had to say more, Jon had already seen the small box of kriptonite Tim had under his jacket.

Jon knew for a fact he had tons of those, he could probably do an entire armor to beat him up. Not even his father would be able to stop him.

"Remember I have many ways of keeping an eye on what you try to do with my brother, Jonathan."

Jon looked around the room, he couldn't find any hidden cam, but even with that he had never felt more observed in his entire life.

He wasn't wrong though.


Of course Jason was the last one. He loved drama. It was quick, but effective. The message was clear.

It had been one day after Jon and Damian had a date not far from there. Jon was walking around Gotham before heading back to Metropolis, and without noticing, he entered into Red Hood's territory.

Jonathan felt goosebumps after some air hit him in his neck. It was getting on his nerves. He put his hood on and tried to walk a little faster.

Before he knew someone had dragged him into an alley, making him almost trip.

"Hey man it's not a good-" Jon looked up to see the man that had dragged him. "Ja-Hood?"

"Hey Boy Scout!" He said in a creepy cheerful tone, not too cheerful though. And that grin was even more spooky than a bat-glare. "It's Red Hood for you."

"Uh yes Red Hood...what? What exactly is going on in here?"

Red Hood walked towards him and started walking in circles around him, slowly, similar to a shark.

"Look kid, I gotta be fast. No games. I heard you're dating the brat."

Jon had to remind himself to take deep breaths. For some reason he was feeling sick and weak. He wasn't even sure if it was only because of Jason's presence.

Jason took out his gun and slowly started getting way to closer to his personal space bubble, Jon had to almost step back, almost.

"I may not be there much. But I assure you I know a way or twenty to take you down with this bullet."

He looked at a the little glowing bullet he had on his left hand. And put it into the gun.

It wasn't enough kryptonite to make him faint, but it would probably hurt as hell if he shoot him with it. He could even kill him if he shoot him in the right spot.

Jason pointed the gun at him and played a little with it, as if he was going to shoot any minute. He then lowered the gun and got a serious face.

"I think you got the point boy. Hurt my brother, I'll hurt you."

Jason started walking away.

"Oh, and also, tell him I said this and I'll also kill you."

Jon blinked and when he opened his eyes again, Jason was gone.

Realities: Damian Wayne One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now