[k.gh×l.sh] Pain✅

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Ship: Geonhak×Seoho
Type: Angst


Thoroughly checking that every opening was properly shut and covered for the final time, Seoho slowly unbuttoned his shirt, still a little conscious about his surroundings. He could not risk getting caught under any circumstances.

Letting the soft fabric slide down his arms and drop onto the floor, he fell bare-chested onto his bed. He propped himself up with his arms, feeling the breeze hit his back, sending chilling waves down his spine.

Ah! It's been a while.

The tension in his body was killing him. He was desperate to let himself free and with nobody else in the apartment and he finally found his golden opportunity.

He arched his muscles, slightly relieving the stress in his back, letting out a relieved sigh. After so long he could finally expose them. Turning his head towards the window, checking that the curtains were properly shielding him, he placed his forehead on his pillow, preparing for the pain to follow.

A stinging sensation creeped along his back as he felt his wings pierce through, careful at first, but soon fully unravel to expose their true beauty. Seoho felt a mixture of chilliness and pain as he expanded them, finally feeling wind against the feathers. It was the perfect feeling of euphoria.

His pure white wings, indicating his allegiance, shown ever so brightly, illuminating his otherwise dark room. It had been a while since he had seen them himself. As a guardian angel, he was forced to keep them hidden, and truth be told he hated humans for it. He hated the fact that their mortal eyes could not behold their beauty, setting them ablaze on the spot. He hated that he had to keep them in for the sake of their souls.

At the moment he did not care about anything. He was just glad that he was finally alone, that he did not need to follow the human he was protecting for once.

Sitting back up, his back towards the door, he placed a hand on his shoulder, right next to his nape. He tilted his head back, rotating it a bit, trying to ease out his tense muscles. "Ah~ Sometimes humans aren't that bad."

He closed his eyes as slowly started to flutter his wings. He was careful as he knew his powerful wingspan could easily break down tall, concrete buildings, let alone the materialistic objects in his room. It felt so good to have brushes of wind under his wings again.

After feeling he had got enough movement, he wrapped them around himself, dying to feel his soft feathers, vanity quickly consuming him.


A voice interrupted him midway, making him quickly retract his wings in as he turned to face the intruder.


His figure stood rigid, clearly out of shock upon the angel's sudden revelation. Shit! I forgot to lock my own bedroom door. He had been careless and now Geonhak's fate was sealed.

Seoho immediately jumped off his bed and ran towards him, placing his hands on the younger's shoulders, hoping he had not beheld his wings, "How much did you see?"

"Y-you're a...resident of heaven?"

Seoho's worried expression turned to that of surprise and confusion. Normally, if a human beheld them they would always call them an angel and soon dissipate. But, Geonhak stood right infront of him, unscathed, calling him a resident of heaven, not using the common mortal terminology.

"How are you still here? How are you not ash?"

He did not get an answer, instead he felt a grasp on his wrist, pulling him towards his bed. "Show them to me," the younger said as his hands travelled towards his back, tracing his finger along the line where his wings had been a moment ago. "Are you out of your mind?"

Geonhak proceeded to sit him down on the bed as he himself kneeled down on the floor. He removed his jacket and shirt, revealing his smooth and flawless skin. Seoho just sat still, transfixed, as he saw two pitch black wings sprout out from his back, making him wince in a similar, understandable pain.

He found his hand reach out to touch the younger's wings. His feathers were rough and hapzard, unlike his, but he still found himself drawn towards them. They held a different kind of beauty.

Geonhak placed his hand under his chin, making him look directly into his eyes, his sharp, deep black pools of ink, "I know how much it hurts."

Seoho found himself relax, the warmth of Geonhak's lips rushing through his body, forcing him to loose control and once again unfurl his wings.

Both basked in each others' glory as Geonhak's fingers moved along the origin of his wings, lining it with small kisses, easing out the pain. "You don't need to hide them again. From now on, we shall our pain together."


So hardly any context or backstory is given in this oneshot but I felt it was better this way. Plus, I wrote this at 1 in the morning being struck with inspiration.....I don't know what I'm rambling about...... I know I make NO SENSE...but yeah....
Anyway hope you liked it!
~Anna R.

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