Space Enough To Grow (M Shadows/Austin Carlile)

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Author's Note: Again, I am sorry if this isn't very Austin-ish. I got a request to do a one shot with Austin and Matt, and I really don't mind, as long as I'm able to keep him in character. I hope you guys enjoy this!

Rest in peace, Katelyn Norman! I don't really listen to Of Mice & Men, but researching for this story let me know a little bit about you. I hope you're having a great time up in heaven, and my prayers are going to your family. I'm sure you've positively influenced the lives you touched each day, and I bet Austin is still so very proud of you!

Please, if this offends anyone, let me know. I will take it down, no questions asked. I want this to in no way disrespect Kate or her family.

At any rate, I'll let you guys get to this. Let me know what you think!



Austin was crying. As soon as Matt answered the phone, he was met with sobs, and he had to calm his boyfriend down to understand what he was saying. "Hey, Austin, shh, baby just hush, okay? I can't understand you."

It had been a normal day for Matt. The previous day he had spent with his boyfriend at the beach, swimming and making out and basking in the sunlight. Now suddenly, this? What had happened?

When Austin could finally string together a few audible words, he said, "K-Katelyn, it's Katelyn."

Oh, fuck.

Katelyn was a fan Austin had met earlier in the month. She had a really aggressive bone cancer, and on her bucket list, she wanted to meet the band. Austin had really connected with her, Matt loved the way his eyes lit up when he talked about what an amazing girl she was. "I'm staying in touch with her." He had said, "Even her mom. I wanna really get to know her, you know? Not many people get the chance to meet a girl like Kate."

Austin had hated it. Matt could remember being curled up with Austin on the couch as Austin told him about Katelyn. "She's such a sweet girl, Mattie. I can't understand why such a horrible thing has happened to her. The world needs people like her."

In fact, Austin had planned to take Matt out to New York to meet her the next week. "You just gotta see her in person, she'll brighten up your whole life. You'll fall in love with her too, Matt, I know it."

And Matt had been so excited, excited to meet the person who had done this to Austin, to see the person who could brighten up the room just by existing.

But by Austin's sobs, something told Matt they wouldn't be meeting anytime soon.

"What? Is she okay? Baby, stop crying, I can't hear you when you're crying."

"She-She passed away, Matt. She's dead."

Oh, god. Matt frown, rushing from his bedroom, scrambling for a shirt to put on. "Where are you, Austin? I'm coming right now."

"I-I'm downtown, I just found out, I-I..." Austin couldn't stop crying, and Matt's heart broke for him.

"I'm leaving. Where exactly are you?"

"I'm by-by that Pearl Harbor monument on 4th street." Austin hiccupped, "Oh god, oh god, this can't be fucking happening."

"Shh, baby, shh, it's going to be okay, alright? Everything's going to be okay. You'll stay right there until I get there, right?"

Austin whispered. "Yes."

"Okay. I'm getting in the car. I'll be right there."

"I-I can come over-"

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