Chapter Two

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Confusion sat in the moment I came to. As I looked around I realized nothing was familiar and I had no clue where I was.
After the feeling of confusion next came the panic. I remembered the night before. At least I figured it had been the night before, although I really had no sense of time. I could have been out for weeks and I wouldnt know it.
My head pounded as I sat up, I looked down realising I was in a bed before glancing around the room. It was plain and a little depression with its gray walls.
"Why do I have to babysit her? You can't have one of the girls do it?" A males voice spoke from the other side of the door. He sounded annoyed as he let out a frustrated sigh.
"Because I said so." A voice barked, I'd heard that voice. I knew who it belonged to and I didnt want to hear anymore of it. A weird mixture of fear and anger erupted in me. I was scared because I didn't know where I was or why I was here or what was going to happen to me.. But I was so angry at that voice, with that man. I wanted to beat him untill he was unconscious and then make an escape. I hadn't asked for this and I didnt want anything to do with him or this place he had taken me too. I heard someone fiddling with the door knob on the other side before it opened, revealing two men.
"Oh good, you're awake." The taller man, who's voice had been the one I recognized, spoke. I quickly took in both mens appearances. They were both dressed in all black, both were heavily tattooed with stretched ears, and had this been a different circumstance I probably wouldve said they were handsome.. But at the moment I only wanted to smash their pretty faces into the ground.
I clenched my fists at my side's, my knuckles surely turning white.
"Welcome home sweetheart." The taller man cruely laughed, amused with himself. Home? Excuse me?
"This isn't my home." I growled quietly, but not daring to look at either of them. "Where am I? Why am I here? What do you want?" I spat.
"Oh what fun, she's got an attitude on her." He commented to the shorter male. "This is your new home, so get use to it princess. And you'll find out in time.. Well, if you behave that is... If not well th-"
"Why can't you give the girl a break?" The shorter guy sighed, surprising me. He was nothing like the taller male who seemed sadistic and heartless. The taller man mocked his words before laughing.
"Why do you have to be so weak? Lighten up, have some fun. Maybe get yourself a toy too while you're at it." He scoffed. "Just do your job, Ill be back." The taller guy pushed the other into the room further before closing the door and leaving.
I was now left alone with the man and he seemed awkward.
"Who are you guys?" I asked quietly.
"My name's Josh..." He mumbled, looking past me instead of at me. He was still for a moment before walking around the room. He made his way to the closet and looked through it before glancing back at me and shaking his head, mumbling something to himself and closing it.
"Stay put." He ordered me, his voice strict before he quickly left the room. What was going on? Why wouldn't anyone tell me what was happening? Or where I was? I was frustrated and scared and all I wanted were some fucking answers.. Not that they would soothe my anxiety anyhow. I was sure I wouldn't like the answers I would receive.
When he returned he held what looked to be a small pile of clothes in his hands. He sat them on the end of the bed before coming to my side, making my instinctly draw back, away from him.
"Come on, we've gotta clean you up." He spoke, his voice stern as he reached towards me causing me to scoot backwards. "I'm not going to hurt you. Im the least of your worries here." His voice was suddenly softer, understanding that I was scared. But I still didnt know this guy or his intentions.
After a little convincing he finally pulled me out of bed, making me realize that I couldn't walk or stand on my own. I mean I could if I used all of my strength but it was so difficult. He quickly picked my up, catching me off guard and causing me to let out a yelp.
He carried me through a door that was beside the closet and into a bathroom before sitting me down on the side of the tub. He didn't speak, and I didnt dare to. I didnt know him and I wanted out of here.
I never asked to meet that guy or to end up here. I never asked for my car to break down, I didnt deserve to be here! I didn't realize untill I felt the wetness on my cheeks that some tears had slipped out of my eyes. Josh sighed as he noticed them too.
"I dont know why they do this for." He mumbled. "I dont know why they have to be so heartless and cruel." He brushed away my tears, seemingly feeling sorry for me.
"Where am I? Why can't I go home?" I asked.
"I- I.. Im sorry." He sighed, not giving me any answers. "Umm can you uh, could you maybe take those clothes off? I'll um- I'll just start you a bath." He mumbled awkwardly as he stood up and moved to run the water into the tub. I sat silent and still, uncomfortable with the idea of being naked around a stranger. "I'll be right outside the door if you need help." He spoke, before putting a bottle of body wash on the edge of the tub and stepping out of the room. As I tried to move my muscles ached and my body begged me just to stay still but I felt disgusting. Sure I didnt want to be here, but that didnt mean I wanted to let myself rot either.
The warm water was admittedly nice and soothing against my aching body and I tried to focus on that for the moment.
I was gonna be damned if I stayed here, but I needed a little time go figure out an escape plan. Sure I wanted to get out of here ASAP, but I needed to get out of here alive and in one piece.
I just new this wasn't a place I wanted to be and whoever these people were, they weren't good.
After washing my body and rinsing off I struggled to make myself climb out of the bath, grabbing the towel Josh had left behind. I wrapped it around my body before exiting the bathroom, into the bedroom.
Josh sat on the bed with some clothes on his lap.
"I uh.. These might be a little big on you but, its better than the clothes in that closet." He handed me a blackcraft shirt and a pair of black shorts. I nodded my head before struggling to dry myself off and Josh ended up having to help me get dressed.
"How long have I been here?" I asked him quietly, sitting down on the bed, leaving plenty of room between us.
"A week." He guiltily replied. A week?!? I quickly wondered if anyone was looking for me, and I hoped they were. I prayed to any god out there that someone would find me before anything bad could happen. He didn't seem like he liked this.. Keeping my trapped here against my will.. But I also didnt think he had a choice. The tall guy seemed to be the ring leader around here and I wondered what was going on- what all of this was. It reminded me of a cult or a gang but I wasn't sure. Hell I wasn't even sure if there were more people here than Josh and the tall guy.
Josh kept me company and talked to me for a good while, before the other guy had barged in and ended it for us.
"Don't you dare try to make a friend, Josh! You know what she's here for." He barked, making me swallow hard and look down. What I was here for? What was I here for? And why wouldnt they tell me? "Don't get attached." He shook his head dissaprovingly at Josh before coming into the room.
"Alright, pet. Lets talk." He mumbled, standing infront of me before kicking Josh out of the room. Oh god what was I here for?!

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