Chapter Six

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"Where are we?" I asked, glancing around the giant empty room. Our footsteps on the wooden floors echoed through the whole area.

"Just a spare room we use for all kinds of things."

"And I'm here why?" I asked as we stopped in the middle of the room, Josh turning to face me.

"Self defense." He spoke, rolling his eyes. "Per Chris's request.. Though I suppose it is important for you to be able to protect yourself here."

"This is stupid." I voiced my opinions. Now was I to assume that I was in some kind of danger now that I had met all of those people? Or was all of this 'just in case'? I had to wonder.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but for once I agree with him. I think its good for you to know how to keep yourself safe.. And considering he's going to want to get lessons in with you himself and he's not going to go easy on you in the slightest. Just be glad we're doing this before he gets ahold of you." He explained. "So first thing's first, do you know how to throw a punch?" While he had been my angel up untill my accident he lost me after that, so he really had no knowledge on me for the last eight years other than what I had told him when catching up. He extended his arms and held his palms out towards me.

"Hit me." He instructed after I had nodded my head, silently telling him that 'yes' I knew how.

"I'm not hitting you." I mumbled, taking a few steps away from him.

"Come on Noel. Hit. Me."

"I'm not hitting you, Josh." I raised my voice, feeling pressure to do something I didn't want to.

"Listen Noel, he's not going to go easy on you and you're not going to hurt me. Now, hit me." His tone left no room for arguing so I threw a purposefully weak punch at his hand. "Really Noel? I know you've got more in you than that. I'm serious, hit me. Full on."

"Josh.." I started but he cut me off with a stern look and an eyebrow raise.

"Its for your own good. You won't hurt me. Come on." He put his palms up again and gave me a 'come at me' kind of signal.

Aggitated, I threw a punch with all of my force then immediately felt bad, though Josh seemed unfazed. "Good one. Again." And we went on for what felt like forever, untill I was sweating and tired. We had went from throwing still punches to him moving his hands around to see if I could hit a moving target. We advanced to him trying to grab me and he taught me how to react. And lastly he threw the punches while I dodged or grabbed his wrist. I could tell he was going easy on me though.

"I'll be honest with you, Chris is no joke. There's a reason that man is here and he's definitely not going to go easy on you.. So don't go easy on him in the slightest." Josh smirked.

"You seem way too enthusiastic about this." I gave him a funny look.

"I just wanna see him get his ass handed to him, that's it."

"Okay..well are we done now?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to stop. I had already fallen a few times and my knee didn't feel great.

"We are. But don't be surprised if Chris pulls you in here later." I rolled my eyes as we walked side by side out of the room.

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