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"It has been Four (4) years Davina and still no one can find anything on my daughter" Klaus says to Davina, "I'm trying my best Klaus, the bracelet will only turn blue when i do the spell which i have done but nothing Klaus nothing and i keep trying" Davina says although she knows Hope is still somewhere with Caroline and so Caroline must have found some really powerful witch to overpower the spell she did on the bracelets but she's not telling the Mikaelson's that, "Elijah you stay with her" Klaus says to his older brother before leaving, Davina looks from Elijah to Freya "if i could do more i would" Davina says, "we know Davina but can you at least tell us Hope is alright"? Elijah asks worry for his Niece, Davina smiles, "from what i can get Hope is fine and nothing seems to be wrong" Davina tells Elijah and Freya.

a few hours later.

"Mama don't like" a little four year old hope Mikaelson says to her mama Caroline Forbes as they make their way out of the airport, "its not that bad Hope, and besides once you have met Klaus and his/your family and if you don't like it here we will leave alright baby girl" Caroline says, "Fine" Hope says, though she would love nothing more then being back home, its takes a bit longer then Caroline hoped to get to the house they are staying in while they are here, "are we seeing right away"? Hope asks, "no sweetheart not right away" Caroline answers hope, Hope just nods before going back to colouring, Caroline lets out a sigh knowing how hard its going to be for Hope to meet her family.

"Sweetheart, come on we have to go and get something for dinner, then we can go shopping to get a bit of food" Caroline says to Hope, Hope stops colouring and makes her way to Caroline to get her coat on, Once they are at a bar called Rousseau's and its kid friendly, Caroline takes Hope to a table and make sure she's sat but before Caroline can head to the counter to order A woman comes up to them, Caroline stands in front of Hope, "Hi there is there anything i can get you and your daughter"? the woman asks Caroline, "Pizza, chips, a cup of tea and water please" Caroline says, "Of course, my name is Camille but please call me Cami" the woman Cami says to Caroline before leaving to sort out what Caroline has ordered, Caroline sits down next to Hope, and they wait it isn't long till Cami comes back with the drinks and food, "Here you two are, and if you need anything just call for Cami" Cami says before walking away, "She nice" Hope says.

Once Caroline and Hope have finished with their meal and drink Caroline pays before taking Hope's hand and leaving the Rousseau's, as they make their way back to the house they are staying in Caroline hears something from within an alley, But she stops when she hears a voice she knows all to well, "Now you and the people you work with should know I hate when people try to kill me, beside i can't be killed" Klaus says, Caroline gets notice by the man who Klaus has his hand around his throat, But before Caroline can get her and Hope away the man speaks, "Lovely woman and her daughter do you know them"? the Man somehow says while trying to shake of Klaus' grip on his Throat, "what"? Klaus asks, before he looks to where Caroline and Hope are stood but Caroline is standing in front of Hope so she can't see what has gone of.

Klaus looks at Caroline for another minute before taking his phone out of his jacket pocket after sending a text to Elijah he lets the man go, the man takes a look at Klaus, Caroline and the child before running at vamp speed away, "Sorry you and the child had to see that love, its been a while" Klaus says and takes a step towards them but he stops when Caroline takes a step back making sure that Klaus doesn't see Hope, "Klaus, I really need to get my daughter back so that she can sleep, and how about we meet up tomorrow"? Caroline says, Klaus frowns but agrees, "tomorrow we meet at 10 at Rousseau's" Klaus says, "Alright, see you tomorrow" Caroline says before walking away with Hope, Klaus is stood in the opening of the alley watching Caroline walk away from him with her daughter, Daughter how did Caroline end up with a kid, but now that Caroline is here I will do what ever it takes for Caroline to give me a chance and to hopefully stay, as well as her daughter, yes I can win Caroline's heart, but first I need to find my littlest wolf Hope Klaus thinks to himself as he walks back to his Mansion with a smile on his face because his Caroline after all this time is in his Kingdom where she will make a great Queen.

part 4, the next part will take some time to get done.

do you want both Caroline and Hayley to be mom's to Hope or just Caroline to be Hope's mom and Hayley an Aunt?.

follow, vote and comment-Jessica.

Please, I'm the Queen"  KlarolineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora