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ChesireCat 😺: theres a fucking oul outside
how the fuck do you spell it
hoot hoot
there's a hooter outside my windoe


hoes mad joined the channel

hoes mad: you slut....I hate ur guts...u ave ruined my lyf. y did u ave 2 sleep wiv my man??? we was Soo happy til u came along :( your dead if I c u..

che@ts: mk, so, where should I begin..*your* you* have*life*why*you*have*to*with* until*you're* see*you* gosh, did you even go to school?

hoes mad: WTF??? who do YOU think YOU are? your dead meat bitch :@

che@ts: You're**

hoes mad: FUCK YOU BITCH

che@ts: by the way you have the wrong number, I just thought I would give you an English lesson.. I'm not surprised your boyfriend cheated on you tho:)

che@ts: BEN there's a talking raccoon on my couch- BEN hE HAS A GUN BEN WHAT DO I DO--

zelda: idk play dad.

che@ts: mk

Zelda: dead*

che@ts: he can ride a bike now 😻

ChesireCat 😺: how drunk was I

zelda: you took a clock and threw it out of the window because you wanted to see time fly, when slender gave you 45 dollars you fuckin ate it because he said it was for lunch. when I said screw you to EJ you chased him with a screwdriver, you tried to dROWN ME IN A I R

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