Chapter 1

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Taryn glanced out onto the city, the southern soldiers stood almost perfectly still in their black and red uniforms.

"How many do you think there are?" Neve asked, standing directly behind Taryn.

"Not sure, a lot?"

"That's helpful," Neve said, standing up straighter as she drew her sword.

Taryn turned to face her. "What are you doing?"

"Aren't we going to go in?"

"Not yet." She said, turning back around to look at the soldiers. They had stern looks on their faces, glaring into the night as they stood guard. Taryn shook her head, she couldn't understand how people like them could bear to stand so tall, so proudly.

"Here's the plan," Taryn said, turning towards Neve, who's crystal eyes were still fixated on the village. Taryn continued. "You're going to be my distraction while I go in and get the prisoners. If I'm correct, they should be holding them in one of the guard towers."

Neve glanced down at Taryn. "I was the distraction last time though,"

"Yeah, and? After what happened last time I let you free the prisoners, I don't think I want you confronting them."

"Says the Southerner herself," Neve said, raising her eyebrows.

Taryn rolled her eyes. "Come on, this is the last one for today, please?" She said, giving her as big of a smile as she could muster.

She rolled her eyes, trying to hide her own smile. "Fine, whatever."

Taryn thanked her and drew her knife, holding it tightly in her hand. "I'm going to head around. We're going on your cue, got it?"

Neve nodded and Taryn ran off, circling the town as closely as she could without being seen.

She crouched behind one of the guard towers, glancing towards the other one down the road, with several more soldiers guarding it. That has to be where they were keeping the prisoners.

Taryn and Neve made eye contact, Neve's half-shaven head of white hair shining in the dark. Taryn nodded and Neve shot out from the woods, large spikes of ice erupting from the earth, injuring several soldiers in just one blow.

While Neve fought them, Taryn stayed in place, waiting for the soldiers surrounding the guard tower to leave. One by one they trickled off to go join until only one remained. Tayrn waited but the guard never moved. Out of options, she sprinted forward. The guard turned towards her, ready to scream for the others but she tackled him to the ground, covering his mouth with her hands. With one hard swing, she hit him in the head. His eyes rolled around in his head only for a moment before he lost consciousness.

Taryn glanced up to make sure Neve was still distracting the other guards. With a reaffirming glance from her friend, Taryn grabbed the keys off of the soldier she had just rendered unconscious and unlocked the door to the guard tower.

The cobblestone walls rushed past her as she made her way to the top of the tower. Coming around the final corner, she threw open the door to the final floor of the tower to reveal nothing. The room sat empty, dusty weapons and armor hanging loosely on the walls. Taryn looked behind her at the stairs, as if to make sure the prisoners weren't just behind her. She looked around the room before pulling out her sword, leaving large gashes in the walls and armor before she turned and left, running down the stairs.

She couldn't understand where else they would put the prisoners. All the places in the town ran circles in her mind, trying to find a place that would work the best.

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