Chapter six

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Blaise and Pansy is once again getting me in trouble. If they only knew they wouldn't be so confident letting me handling their crap anymore.
Felix Wright is heading straight in my direction this time.
"Malfoy, a word?" He is pissed, not necessarily my fault but whatever.
He's headed straight to the big door and I'm not far behind him.
He stops just as I walk through the doors and glares at me.
"Look, I know that your not involved in this but I would really appreciate if your friend would leave my sister alone for once" I'm not in the mood to be friendly at all.
"Don't drag me into her shit! It's not exactly my problem if the little princess got herself into bad company" I snapped.
Deep down I knew I cared but it was the last thing I would confess to.
The anger and jealousy that's been built up since my childhood was just blurting out.
"She shouldn't have gone for that prat from the beginning and you know it! Why didn't you just set an end to it right away?" I'm furious at Felix and he's quick to respond.
"Why I didn't put and end to it? What about you? She was practically your sister too for your entire childhood! If you had one bit of care in that body of yours, you wouldn't have let that prat get to her in the first place!"
I snort at him. Of course I tried to put and end to it, and it had worked. Just a little to late.
"Why do you think he broke up with her?" I ask the angry boy standing in front of me.
The glare on his face was now fading away. "You? It was you who sent that letter?" I admit that it wasn't exactly in my best interest to try to save Flora Wright from a boy. She was a big girl and I knew that she could have handle it well by herself, but I couldn't stand to watch Blaise break her heart by being Blaise.
I'm not known for being emotional but I really couldn't stand to watch Blaise play around with her.
"Of course I didn't send it, Blaise did." I just might had told Blaise that Pansy was interested and that he couldn't be tied to a girl in Gryffindor. I didn't need to say more and before I knew it he had broken up with her.
"If you ever cared for my family you will promise me something" I almost took a step back when he said that.
"And what exactly is that?"
He looked me straight in the eyes as he spoke through his teeth "you keep an eye on her, and if I hear anything else from your stupid little friends I will let everyone in here know that your not the smug little prat that you want everyone to think" I gave him a questioned expression. "I know that behind your little facade you still exist." He left me in the hall and although I wasn't intimidated by his little speech I decided to do it. I was going to look out for my old friends little sister. I didn't even know why, I didn't care if Felix told everyone about my family or me.
But I felt obligated to do it, not for Flora, but for her family.
I woke up the next day, more furious than ever.
Felix hadn't spoke a thing about what he told Malfoy. My plan was to find my brother and force him to tell me exactly what their exchange had been about.

It was really early and Hermione was still asleep. She was well aware of the little situation last night and so was everyone else. After Felix dropped me of in my room I went to bed, I wasn't in the mood for comfort or pity talk. I figured she could wait a couple hours before I told her the whole story.

I got dressed in my robe and tied my hair up in a messy knot. Makeup was something I had no time for today, instead I headed straight through the door. I went down to the boys dormitories and started slamming on the door. I didn't care if I would wake anyone, this was Felix fault and he knew it.
The door opened and Felix rushed out of the room. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"You will tell me what happened last night or I will keep making this type of appearance!" I glared at him as he just sighed at me. "You're really annoying Flora" I crossed my arms over my chest. He sighed once again. "You know what? Just ask Malfoy if you're that desperate" Before I could protest he slammed the door in my face. I just stood their. Talk to Draco? Yeah as if..

I eventually gave up on getting anything out of Felix. He knew that I wouldn't ask Malfoy anything and that once again made me furious. Felix thought that he had pulled an expert move on me, jokes on him I guess. I refused being held back and in this moment I decided to talk to Malfoy.
I went on a walk through the castle, hoping I would bump into a tall blonde, but without succes.
Instead I headed straight to breakfast.
Hermione was seated with Harry and Ron, as usual. They seemed to discuss something but as I sat down with them they instantly became silent. "Goodmorning" I said not looking at them. "Where have you been?" Hermione asks me and I look up. The three of them obviously looked worried. "I decided to take a walk to clear my mind a bit" I say and smile.
It wasn't completely true, sure I had gone for a walk but I didn't want them to know that I planned to talk to Malfoy. At least not until I knew what he said to Felix.
"Flora, we are worried for you" Ron says from nowhere. "Ron!" Hermione slaps his arm. "Ouch!" He quickly pulls his arm from the table.
I knew that this would come, but I was a very private person and I didn't really like to talk about my feelings. "I'm okay I promise"
"But you can't just shut us out, we are your friends and we're supposed to help you through things like this" Harry is now looking directly at me as he speaks.
I admit that my problems seems like nothing if you compared what Harry had gone through. I was there when Cedric was killed last year and ever since, Harry had been different.
Many people have turned on him ever since Voldemort returned and they didn't believe him at all. I felt quite guilty for not fully being there to support him.
"Listen, I know that you want to know how I feel and everything but it's really hard to tell you when I don't know that myself"
Breakfast was over and my first class was potions. I had been so caught up in myself and as I step inside the classroom I see Malfoy sitting by himself. His eyes meets mine as I walk up to him.
"If we are going to work together you need to tell me something first"
I'm direct and he seems pretty disturbed by my voice.
"Felix didn't say anything about you yesterday if that's your question" I sit down beside him. "Well guess what, I don't believe you and I really don't get why it's so hard to just tell me" I'm getting more irritated for every second. Malfoy sighs and his eyes meets mine. "This would be so much easier if you would just mind your own business, would you" He's almost whispering.
His eyes are really gray and I feel weird as I keep looking into them, just like I can't look away.
I can't describe the feeling but I get this lump in my throat that keeps my words from getting out.
I quickly break our eye contact, and instead of fire back I just sit there in silence.
In the corner of my eye I can see that he is still watching me.

The boy who never had a choice(Draco Malfoy fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu