Chapter three

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I walk up to Malfoys table and as I sit down besides him I feel Blaises eyes burning on me.
I look up just to see that he's been paired with Harry.
I quickly look around to find that Hermione has been seated next to Ron. Great to see things working out for someone else..

I admit that I'm pretty nervous being paired with Draco. I knew him when I were a little girl and Felix used to be pretty close to him but since my parents didn't think that the malfoys were such good influences, we broke that bond.
"I guess you should start off by making a little bit of contact with your new partners. Even though this isn't considered a very dangerous subject, it's always nice to trust your partner!"
I look over at malfoy and he snorts. Yeah as if I think to myself.
"Look I know we don't know each other and all that but neither we like it or not, we can't change partners" he smirks at my brave speech.
"I seem to know a lot about you princess, Blaise has told me quite a few things" At this moment my blood is boiling and seriously, what else did I expect?
"Okay Malfoy, you might think you know things about me but actually you don't. I don't care what that prat has said about me and as I said before, you don't know me so please don't talk to me as long as it's not about the actual assignments" Malfoy is apparently finding me very funny.
"Relax, I don't really like being paired up with my best friends old doll either" I roll my eyes. I'm not going to sit here and take being called princess or doll.
"Go to hell Malfoy" I snap and starts to move my chair further away from him.
"I'm afraid I'm already there, princess" He says as he glares over to Blaise. Or Zabini, I think I need to start using his last name again actually.

Since potion was my last class for the day I decide to head back to the dormitories. Hermione joins me as I'm walking out of the classroom and grabs me by my arm.
"Are you really okay with being paired with that prat? You could always talk to Slughorn, I think he can make one exceptio-"
"It's fine Hermione, really! I can't just switch partners, I don't really think that Harry loves being partnered with Blais-I mean Zabini either." She shakes her head at me.
"Oh I see that you've stopped using his first name, thats a huge step to getting over him!" She laughs and I join her. It is quite funny after all. She were the one who told me all along that it would not end well between us and yeah, she was right of course.

Zabini had been my first real love and we were together for almost a whole year. It was at the beginning of 4th year that he laid his eyes on me for the first time. Ive always known that I was pretty and all that, but of course that's not enough and clearly he wasn't up for anything long term.
He dumped me during the summer with owl post. Later i also found out from my brother that Zabini had been seen with another girl in Diagon alley.
And now he's with Pansy.. I guess that some of us moves on quicker than others..

I end up walking alone to our common room. Hermione went straight to the library after potion class, myself on the other hand didn't feel quite in shape. I've had a rough afternoon and all I wanted to do was to sleep.

I ended up outside gryffindor common room,not remembering the password and after 15minutes of arguing with the fat lady, I gave up.
I sit down besides the big painting and decides to wait for someone else to enter. I don't recall closing my eyes but I must have slumbered because when I open my eyes someone is poking my arm.
"Ouch!" I say out loud.
"Oh I'm sorry Flora, were you sleeping?" I look up just to see a laughing Dean Thomas standing in front of me.
I quickly grab my things as I try to stand up. I realize way to late that I clearly stood up way to fast and with almost no food in my system, I nearly fall back to the ground again.
"Wow! Easy" Dean grabs my arm as I'm about to fall. I laugh as I stabilize myself.
"Thank you!" I say and I can feel just how red my face has gotten. How embarrassing!
"Are you okay? I mean you look really pale, have you eaten something?" I smile at him.
I remembered what Ron told me at lunch.
"It's nothing really, I just feel a little dizzy"

I wipe of my robe with my hand and try to make myself a little more presentable. "I forgot the password and she refused to let me in." Dean smiles at me as he says the password to the fat lady. She lets us in but gives me quite a strange look. "After all, that's her only job" he jokes and I laugh.

"Thank you Dean, it was very nice of you to let me in" I say as we finally enter the common room.
"No worries" he says as he starts to walk away. "But get yourself something to eat, I would hate to see something like that happen when I'm not around to catch you" He winks at me as he continues walking upstairs to the boys dormitories.
I smile as he leaves the room. Maybe this year won't be that bad after all..

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