Chapter five

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Me and Dean had gone for a walk and then we both decided that it was best to get back to our dormitories. Neville and Cho was seated in front of the fireplace as we walked in to the gryffindor common room. Some first years were playing around with some of the Weasley brothers toys.
Fred and George had been up to no good this past moth with Umbridge as our new super wiser. Harry have had some problems with her but personally I had nothing to say about the situation. At least not yet.
I give Dean a smile as I walk up the stairs to the girls dormitories.

I put my books on my side table as I lay down on my bed. I couldn't get the picture of someone spying on me and Dean out of my head. I mean, who could it possibly have been? I saw everyone that walked from class and I'd been so sure that we were the only two left. One thing was clear, I must tell Hermione tonight or someone else will. It's no big deal at all actually. I know that she has no problem with Dean, neither does Harry or Ron but something felt off.
What was there even to tell? I'm not sure what we are doing either way, especially so soon after me and Blaise.. For goodness sake! I need to stop calling him that, I think to myself as the door opens.

"Flora, I really need to talk to you!" Hermione storms in and drops her things on her bed.
"I need you to be honest with me" her look is really overstrained and her eyes flickers.
"What's up? Are you alright?" I feel my heart race and I suddenly get really sweaty. I pray that no one has told her about Dean before I could.
"Are you seeing Blaise again?" She looks me straight in the eye. "Because if you are i really think you are making a fool out of yourself I mean with everything that happe-"
"Are you mental? Of course not" I laugh and I see how she breaths out. "Although.. I'm kind of seeing someone"  She lights up.
"Is it Dean?" I smile and nod at her. She almost run over to my bed and gives me a hug.
"I'm so happy for you! Why haven't you told me? How long has this been going on?" She sits down at by bed.
We spend the next hour just talking and I tell her all about me and Dean. "I just knew that you two would end up together!"
My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I've had the best talk with Hermione and I feel like we're closer than ever.
We walk into the great hall to find our friends at our table. Neville, Ron, Harry and Dean is having a passionate talk as we get ourselfs seated. Dean gives me a wink as I sit in front of him. I smile and Hermione rolls her eyes at us, but she's smiling of course.
"What have I missed?" Ron says as he sees our expressions. Me and Hermione burst out in laughter. "Nothing Ron, absolutely nothing"

Felix is seated a few seats away and as everyone is finishing dinner I walk over to him.
"Oh hey Flora" He says as I sit down beside him.
"Have you got any more letters from mom?" He lights up at my question.
"Actually I have! She's planning Christmas early this year so I guess it's something spectacular"
Christmas had always been a big holiday in The Wright family. Dad would even let us go ice skating with the muggle kids when we were little. Our tree was always huge and the whole family helped to decorate it. Dad would always let me put the star on top of the tree last.
"Do you remember when we used to go ice skating with muggles?" 
Felix laughs at me. "Yeah and that you would always want to go with Malfoy!"
Yeah right.. Malfoy actually used to be at our Christmas gatherings when his parents were too busy doing god knows what.
"Hmm I almost forgot that" I say as I feel something hitting my head. "Ouch!" I say as I look around. Behind me on the floor I find a paperplane that's carefully folded.
Felix picks it up before I manage and he folds it open. Judging by the look on his face after reading it, he's not happy.

"Speak of the devil, look who sent you a message" Felix hands me the paper and I read it.
You seem to have a lot of time to screw around these days. Maybe you should focus on potions instead
I connect the dots and gets that it must have been someone from Slytherin who had seen me and Dean earlier. Very mature of them, really..

I scrunch the paper into a round ball and the next thing I know I have thrown it back to the Slytherin table. "Fuck off" I yell as I turn back around quickly.
I may not be the brightest but you don't need to be a brainiac to know who sent it.
"Zabini?" I nod at Felix.
He suddenly stands up from his seat and I see him heading towards the Slytherin table.
I bury my face in my hand. What an idiot I think to myself.
I run after Felix in a attempt to stop him but it's to late. He's already at the Slytherin table.

"Malfoy, a word please?" He hisses trough his teeth. Zabini looks smug as he glares at his best friend.
Malfoy just ignores him and is actually standing up from where he's seated.
I glare at Felix as Malfoy follows him out of the great hall.
"Isn't it little princesses big brother who comes to rescue" I turn around just to see Pansy Parkinson.
She sits there looking smug as ever. Zabini is looking just as satisfied.
"I heard you're heating things up with Thomas over there, must be a shame to have the need to slut around like that"
She laughs at me as I try to leave the table without a reaction.
"Whore" the words hurts as knifes in my back and I turn around once again. I couldn't take it any longer.
"What did you call me?" I yell to the guy I actually loved once upon a time.
This time everyones eyes is pointing in our direction.
"You heard me" Zabini looks me straight in the eye.
"You're such an arrogant prat Blaise! How dare you even speaking to me?" I yell as Felix and Malfoy returns.
"It's enough Flora" Felix is dragging me out of the great hall and I fight to break free from his grip on my arm.
Malfoy gets back to his place and.. he's looking angry?
The last thing I hear before I'm being forced to leave is Malfoy calling out his best friend.

What the hell did Felix say to him?

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