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So you still decided to show up?XDXD
Anyways here's the 1st...

So you still decided to show up?XDXDAnyways here's the 1st

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Hehe so how is it?

The real question: What is it?
A stick dog?
A human on all his limbs?

Anyways,while u still think about it....
Lets get u actually blinded XDXD

Yeah u guessed it, that was supposed to have a soothing effect on ur eyes before u get hit by a truck XD

Yeah u guessed it, that was supposed to have a soothing effect on ur eyes before u get hit by a truck XD

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*gets extremely worried*
Did it scar you?
umm...anyways so...

It was supposed to be a Twilight scene....
When all of a sudden, dark clouds filled the visage...
Yet for some reason, you could see the stars...

Does that make sense to you?



Me: Can I get some salt?

Mom: No.

Dad: Get your own girl

Gran: *watches drama unfold*

Me: Pleeaassee...Its getting dry..And I cant get up now...

Mom: And how exactly, is that, my problem? Also what are you gonna do with salt anyways? Coz if you think Ill give you permission to mess up the living room, think again girl.

Dad: *joins Gran*

Me: -_-

Me:I need only a pinch..You know what? Forget it...It dried -_-

My neighbour next door,whose bedroom window overlooks our living room...hereon reffered to as The Useless Asshole, abbreviated JG: *smirks*
You want it wet? ;)

Me: *smirks back* Do you? ;)


15 seconds...

Pin drop silence.

30 seconds...

Internal screaming continues...

Holy Mother of Crap! Did my 16 year long friend and I just flirt???????!!!!!!!!!


Mom: okayy..ummm...Am I missing something?

Me: *turns to her* I guess yeahh ..
Like for example, why is that window still open?

Mom: You should know better than me about that.. *leaves the room*


Sometimes I really think my family exists to make my life hell..

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