Reunited Once Again (Uxie)

Start from the beginning

"Nope," Miranda says popping the 'p'

"It's 2 in the afternoon," Tony says.

"What!? I slept that late!" Miranda says dropping the pocky stick from her mouth.

"What are you eating?" Clint asks.

"Pocky sticks," Miranda says.

"What's that?" Clint asks.

"It's a kind of Japanese candy," Steve says.

"How do you know that?" Clint asks.

Tony smacks Clint on the back of the head. "Idiot... He was over there for the war or something like that..." Tony says.

"How should I know?" Clint complains.

"It's kinda common sense. You should know about your team mates anyway... You see him everyday and don't even know that, but people that none of us even know, knows that," Bruce says.

"Whatever!" Clint says. "I know now."

Miranda laughs. "You guys are a trip."

"Shut up! It's not funny!" Clint says.

"You ready to go and look for Uxie again?" Lucario says cutting into the conversation.

"Yeah, I guess," Miranda says.

"You need to eat first," Steve says pushing a plate of bacon and eggs to her.

"Thanks, Cap," Miranda says with a smile and sits down.

"Do you have any idea where to find her?" Bruce asks.

"I've actually decided that we should just scan over each state and not look thoroughly through each one. I've decided to look for energy signals like the ones that we are sending out while we're searching. I believe that Uxie would be smart enough to send out energy blasts. I mean she is the smartest of all of them. Smarter than Mesprit and Azelf combined."

"Hey!" Mesprit and Azelf shouts.

"Hey! You know it's true," Miranda says.

"What makes you so sure that she's sending out blasts?" Bruce asks.

"I felt something coming from a big area - I mean state when Cap threw me into the air," Miranda says.

"Huh," Bruce says.

"Yeah, about that, why did you do that?" Tony asks.

"I wanted a higher view," Miranda says shrugging it off. "What? Did I scare Daddy?

Clint and Miranda burst out laughing with a chuckle coming from Bruce that he was trying to suppress but failed.

"You guys suck..." Tony says embarrassed.

"Anyway, does somebody wanna come with me?" Miranda asks finishing off her food.

"Aye (yes), I shall accompany thee (you) to the center of geographical," Thor says.

"Alright, great, we art (are) leaving anon (right now)!" Miranda says.

"Art thou (you) making fun of me?" Thor asks.

"Marry (Indeed)! Miranda says. She grabs his arm all with all the teleporting pokemon. "Hence (Away)!" They disappear.

"Wait!" Tony says.

"Too late, Daddy," Clint says with a smirk.

"Shut up!" Tony fusses.


"So everyone we need to find the girl and contain her. After what she did to all of us and our equipment we've realized how much of a threat this girl is," Fury says. "We need both her and the creatures. Anyone have any info?"

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