Reunited Once Again (Uxie)

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Way shorter than my last two. I'm getting a little lazy. Kinda of a filler chapter. The story is almost over...


Chapter 15

Reunited Once Again (Uxie)

Someplace in the world...

The yellow fairy wakes up from its sleeping spot. "Gotta keep searching for my sisters and Miranda..." she says tiredly. For the past few days she has been searching with no luck. "I hope they are all okay..." She floats up to the highest point on top of the building she is on and begins to search for any signs of her friends.


At the school...

"Whoa, what happened here," Bobby says looking out the window of the blackbird.

"Those are all SHIELD agents," Kitty says.

"Everything is totally obliterated, except the school," Hunter says.

"Something smells different," Logan says.

"Now that you mention it, it does smell different," Hunter says sniffing the air.

The jet lands inside and everyone rushes outside.

"Miranda..." Logan says.

"She was here," Hunter says. "She did this."

"What!?" everyone turns to look at Hunter.

"She looked possessed," Logan says sniffing the air. "Her eyes turned completely blue and they sparked with electricity. A blue aura surrounded her then she floated up into the sky. Then everything turns white..."

"She put a force field over the mansion before she exploded," Hunter says.

"Is she dead?" Kitty asks warily.

"No," Logan says. "She was teleported out of here by that creature with a white dress."

"Gardevoir," Xavier says.

"Yeah, that one," Logan says.

"Wait! Miranda is gone?!" Adam says.

"Look for her!" Levi says.

A couple hours later...

"She's no longer here..." Levi says sadly.

"She left this," Hunter says showing a piece of paper. "It was on her bed."

Kitty takes it and begins to read it. "Dear X-men, I'm sorry, but this is goodbye. SHIELD has found me out and came to fetch me. Don't worry though they didn't get anyone, we are all safe. I will miss all of you! Thank you for all the great things you have done for and with me. I'm glad I made such great friends! I LOVE YOU ALL! Arigato! -Miranda P.S. I hope we will all meet again!"

"I miss her already," Levi says.

"Same," everyone else says.

The next morning... or should we say afternoon...

Miranda opens her eyes and doesn't feel any weight on the bed besides her own, causing her to quickly sit up. She feels the bed around her for any warmth. "None... Meaning everyone has been gone for a while... Wonder where they could be?" she says looking for her bag.

Walking to her bag she pulls out a box of pocky sticks. She pulls out a stick and puts it in her mouth. She smiles and walks out the room with the box in her hand and her bag on her back.


"Hey guys!" Miranda shouts.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Tony asks.

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