Chapter 2- Starstruck

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Draco had already left the cupboard, but I felt it necessary to stay a little longer. Just so I could comprehend what had just happened. It was all so strange and happened so fast, I barely ever spoke to the boy, but this year something felt different. It almost felt as if I needed to become closer to him.

I slipped back into the common room, hoping not to be heard but with no such luck. Harry was sat on the sofa waiting for me, Ron and Hermione had obviously gone their separate ways to bed. "Amelie!" Harry said as he heard the door creak open, "We- I thought the dementors had-" He stammered, "I'm fine Harry," I assured him, "honest."

He gave me a quick smile and a hug before saying "Goodnight then" and proceeded to his bedroom. I decided to go and change before meeting Draco, nothing fancy. It wasn't like that, maybe he just needed to talk to someone.. or possibly be friends? What was I talking about, this was Draco Malfoy, I was a muggle born Gryffindor, of course he didn't want to be friends.

Never the less, I was still curious as to what he wanted so as promised, I met him at the astronomy tower at 11 sharp. As I walked the last few paces before turning the corner, I saw him. Resting his back against the opposing wall he was standing there and when he saw me he smiled, why was he being so nice to me?

"Malfoy," I acquainted him. "Please don't call me that," he said still smiling, but his expression had slightly altered, his smile now slightly sadder, "My friends call me Draco" he said. Friends? I started to question if I was dreaming or not. Draco Malfoy had just referred to me as one of his friends.

"Right then," I murmured, "sorry." He walked a few paces forward so he was facing me and offered is hand, I looked at it, then him, "Take it silly" he laughed, "I want to show you something." I took his hand and he led me to a window, the window seat was lined with a blanket and a few pillows. I was so confused. Did he wants something, was this a new tactic to getting his own way, being nice and then Avada Kedavra i'm gone?

He sat down and said, "I noticed you on the train this morning, your very pretty. I'm not sure how I never noticed" I looked at him and cleared my throat, "Oh uh, thanks Malf- I mean Draco.." I stammered. He smiled, "I already told you Ami, I'm not a monster, I was thinking maybe we could be friends." not once throughout his sentence did he break eye contact, and did he just refer to me as Ami. Never heard of that one before. "Draco.. I'm a muggle born, why would you want to be friends with me?" I questioned, his expression then drastically changed, he suddenly looked angry, I became increasingly more uncomfortable sitting next to this boy, "I'm not so much like my father you know," he looked as if he was ready to bite my head off, but his soft tone never changed with me, "I know I've said things in the past, word spread fast for such a huge castle. I'm not proud of what I am.. especially as I haven't been the nicest to your friends, but they don't make it very easy" he muffled a laugh still not breaking eye contact.

I looked up at the stars, "Looks like you've made yourself a new friend Malfoy" I said smiling, he rolled his eyes at the name, but the grin stayed plastered on his face. "We should probably get to sleep, don't want to be late to classes in the morning" I said, standing up. "I'll make sure to come back here sometime, it's beautiful" I exclaimed turning away, "oh, the stars are too I whispered to myself." I heard a chuckle from behind me. Shit


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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