Fresh Start-Young Love

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Mini Prologue:

So I know I said they were 15-16 (which they will be I the series) but, I also want it to be in the third year because Draco got HOT in that movie! Anyway, Tom Felton was 15-16 when shooting it so it's okay and you'll understand why I want them to be that age later on in the series. Also, it will have some scenes from Prisoner of Azkaban in but it will be a little more mixed up and spicy7/

With that, Our Story Begins...


Draco's POV: I heard that comforting whistle of the Hogwarts Express sounding the start of another year. I was hoping to make a fresher start, keeping up with homework was at the top of my priority list. However geeky it made me sound. I looked around the platform before boarding and saw familiar yet strangely new looking faces. This was our third year, everyone looked different.

I looked over to my left to see Ronald Weasley, Hermione Mudblood Granger and worst of all, Harry Potter. Next to them was someone I, strangely, felt like I had never seen before. That's when it hit me, that was Amelie Court. Merlins Beard she had changed and she was gorgeous. I watched as she boarded the train followed by Hermione, Ron and Harry.

I so desperately wanted to go over to her but I had the strangest sensation inside of me, it almost felt like a stomach ache mixed with the nerves you get when you're sent to Snape's office. I couldn't help but notice that my cheeks were also flushed pink, what was wrong with me? I decided to forget about it for the moment and sat down in a carriage followed by Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson. God she was obsessed with me, I can't say I'm complaining, but i'd much rather it were someone else.

The train started to move and we were off to Hogwarts. I can't say I enjoyed the train ride but in the end, it was better than nothing. I slowly dozed off but was awoken by the shrieks of Pansy because of- and then I noticed, the glass on the window was frosting over and the train became dark. Dark figures drifted past our carriage door but not one entered.

Around an hour later there was a rumour already going around about Harry Potter and we weren't even at Hogwarts yet. This has to be good. A ravenclaw poked his head slightly through the open gap of the carriage door and whispered something to Crabbe and Goyle as they both sniggered. He then ran back to his carriage. "Well?" I said, "What did he say!"

They both looked at each other in some foolish, clownlike act, turned to me and shouted "Harry Potter FAINTED!" I smirked at the thought of the one and only Harry Potter, fainting on his way to Hogwarts. What a story. It clearly amused Crabbe and Goyle aswell, the two idiot were rolling over in peels of laughter. Soon enough, the train came to a slow halt and we had arrived.


Amelie/Your POV: I grabbed my trunk and headed off of the train, a surge of excitement rushed through me, third year! Wow, I couldn't believe that time had gone so quickly. I put that thought aside for a second as we all headed towards the school.

**in the Great Hall**

Dumbledore raised his glass as we all slowly settled, as he told us we had a new DADA (Defence Against the Dark Arts) teacher, Professor Lupin. The one we had met on the journey here, he was the one who had helped Harry after he- My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice "Pottah, Pottah" it was Draco, "is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?" he sniggered. As he finished tormenting Harry, I couldn't help but notice how strangely beautiful this boy was. He has this smirk that you just never forget and his eyes are so mysterious, full of secrets.

He caught me staring and just sort of stopped time for a moment just to look deeply into my eyes before shyly turning back around. After the feast we were returning to our common rooms and as we turned a corner, I felt a soft, cold hand grab me by the wrist and pull me into a nearby cupboard. Who was this person?


Draco's POV: We exited the hall after the feast to return to our common rooms, but I couldn't help but think about Amelie. Why was it that whenever I was around her, suddenly I turned to jelly. I couldn't think straight. This girl was slowly taking over me and I knew from that moment what all of this meant. I liked her, not the kind like friends but I really, really liked her. She was perfect. I decided to find her and talk to her after we left the hall.

I spotted her immediately as we left, her soft, wavy brown hair floated down her back in the most angelic way, but the problem was that I didn't know how to get her attention. Maybe I could politely ask her aside- Screw plans, I was Draco Malfoy! I quickened my pace and as we turned a corner, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a nearby cupboard.


Amelie/Your POV: I was terrified, what if this was another dementor ready to suck out my soul. I then frantically scrambled for the door handle, but was stopped by two hands with a firm grip on my arms. I found a light in the corner and flicked it on to reveal a pale, platinum blonde, tall and gorgeous boy. It was Draco, Draco Malfoy.

He smirked at me and put his ear to mine so his minty breath was running past the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. He smelt of parchment, expensive cologne and apples. Green apples. "It's nothing to be afraid of," he said whilst moving his head back up to face mine, "I'm not a monster... well i'm not too much of a monster" he said in a soft almost sweet tone that I've never heard him use before. He then loosened his grip on my arms and opened the cupboard door, "Meet me at the astronomy tower, 11pm tonight" he said with a grin on his face.

What was this boy up to...


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