32 Sunday Bloody Sunday

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"I'm taking your super-hot boyfriend to see Wicked, and then we will go for dinner at "Le Bernardin" already fixed reservations for our romantic boys' dinner."

"Sounds way better than being tried by the grand jury of parents," Mick sighted.

We all went downstairs to get dressed for whatever lay ahead of us.

"Alma – I wish I could be there and support you; I know Stuart feels the same way. But we will be back for a nightcap. I know both you and Mick are nervous about this – but the worst thing that can happen is that they walk out on you. I have learned to know your Mama pretty well, and she knows what is happening, and I think she will try to get them to act civil. Remember when she told us about all the struggles she and Josh had to go through? I don't think she would want that for neither you nor Mick. I love you, Alma," Carlos planted a sweet kiss on my lips, and I felt better, if it is possible to feel better in this situation.

"Team handsome," Stuart and Carlos, left with Mick and me staying behind with throbbing hearts and fear for what would happen in the next few hours.

The Goldbergs came first. Alice Goldberg looked like Kellyanne Conway in a tight pink dress and her platinum blond hair in perfect locks. Her face pretty expressionless, thanks to all the botox she had pumped into it to hide her wrinkles. To me, it is something sickening with people who want to reverse nature, like here — a sixty years old woman pretending to be 30. But there you have Alice Goldberg or Alice golddigger as Mama calls her. Sam Goldberg has looked the same for as long as I can remember, a tall, dark-haired man with intelligent eyes and a smile that never quite reach the eyes.

A few minutes later, my parents arrived, Mama in a more toned down yellow outfit than she would typically wear. Dad looked sick. I hadn't seen him since easter.

"Mama! Dad!" I hugged them both. "You look gorgeous, Alma," Mama whispered into my ear and gave me another reassuring hug.

The Goldbergs weren't huggers, so we shook hands. Mick served everyone a glass of champagne out in the small backyard. The dogs were excited about having Bacon over, so they were running about playing. Alice looked a little annoyed by the dogs but said nothing.

I looked at the four parents and was thinking of the striking contrast between Mama and Alice. Mama was like me, 5'9, lean, and with an olive complexion, long gray curls made into a loose braid. Alice was 5'2 with the glamour of an old fashioned southern belle, cutely stated by her South Carolina accent.

We sat down for dinner, and Mick started talking. "We have a few things we want to share with you.""

Oh fantastic – are you finally having a baby – you have to give up that stupid job Alma and be a stay at home mum," Alice chimed.

"Well, not exactly," Mick was sweating. "We are getting a divorce," he sent me a worried glance."You are what??" Alice shrilled, "No one in my family divorces, this is a scandal – the two of you have to stay together."

"No mam, we have decided to split up, you see, this entire marriage has been a scam. I am gay and have had a relationship with my PA, Stuart, for almost ten years. He and I have lived together here with Alma all the time".

The Goldbergs looked shocked, I couldn't read my dad's expression, and I had a feeling mama had already told him.

"We don't have neither divorcees and let alone gays in my family. This isn't happening. I have one son, and he turns out to be a freak", Alice was sobbing loudly.

"Alice, sexual orientation doesn't make you a freak. Mick is the same Mick as he has always been. The only difference is that he finally dared coming out of the closet; this is difficult for him, it takes a lot of courage to come out – don't be a drama queen and make it even more difficult. He and Alma have a wonderful friendship – that will always remain, but his sexual attraction is towards a man – I have no problem with that", Mama stabbed Alice with her glance.

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