25 Coming home

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The last week of my stay in Madrid went by in a whirlwind. Claudia and I made plans for our work forward with the exhibition -we wanted a few pictures from other museums or collections in Spain, which was her main job. I had to start working on the texts following the paintings. The accountants had to start working with insurance and transport – how do you insure some of the most famous paintings in the world? We agreed that Claudia and Carlos would come to New York about June 1st to look at the exhibition halls, lighting, and how to hang the exhibition for the best way to tell the story we wanted to tell.

Friday night, I had packed my bags, and Carlos and I were sitting in his terrace, admiring the evening sky over Madrid.

"I love you more than there are stars in the sky," Carlos pulled his arm tighter around me. "I got so used to living with you these three weeks Alma; I don't know how I'll survive without having you around all the time." He looked sad.

"These have been the best three weeks of my life, Carlos, and I'm sure we will work it out, you will be back with me in New York in three weeks." I gave him a passionate kiss.

I crept closer to him and started stroking his beautiful hair. I can't get enough of this exceptional man – and I decided the six-year wait was worth it. We had something so strong between us – nothing would be able to break it. Nothing.

We had decided to stay awake the whole night, like some silly teenagers, we wanted the most out of our last hours together. Our sex life had always been special and fulfilling, but this last night was unique – so tender and giving. I would definitely sleep well on the flight back home.

Tons of tears were shed at the airport at 5 am when we had to part, but I knew it was only weeks till I would see him again in New York.

"I love you, Carlos" I threw my arms around his neck – not caring if anyone saw us. He was my man. "I love you too, mi Alma, promise to call as soon as you are safely home." I was lost in his caring green eyes. I giggled when we had said our goodbyes; people probably thought that I was saying goodbye to a holiday flirt. The Spanish loverboy taking his American holiday flirt to the airport, "amore". they should only know – because this was true "amore."

I slept from Madrid to New York, having sweet dreams of Carlos and our last night. Would we be able to withstand a long-distance relationship? I had a lot of things I needed to do when I got back to New York – starting with a deep and thorough talk with Mick and Stuart. There will be massive changes, changes that was way overdue.

I arrived home early in the morning. Mick and Stuart were not up yet  – Sundays are for sleeping late, but Goya and Maya were ecstatic to see me. Who needs kids when you have Airedale terriers?

Rosa came running out from the kitchen and was almost as excited as the dogs to have me home. She wanted to hear everything about her sister's wellbeing in Sevilla, and I could assure her that Maria was doing great, but she missed her sister – so maybe we should invite Maria here?

While we enjoyed our morning coffee, Mick came walking into the kitchen and embraced me in the bearhug of the century. "I have missed you, Baby Doll," he said and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

I needed a shower after the flight and excused myself. "Do you want to sleep or talk?" he asked me. We decided on a walk the dogs in the park, just him and me.

"Alma, there are several serious issues we need to discuss; many of them are connected to our dad's firm – they are the big ones. Your grandpa was right in his distrust. We have to find a new path forward."

"I'm ready to come out, and I'm also ready to quit Sachs&Goldberg. I can't let myself get consumed by the system as our dads did" Mick looked severely troubled. "Stuart has done more research into our clients, he can fill us in on the details concerning Sachs&Goldberg, but that story is terrible. We talked before about stained hands; they have greedy hands with blood dripping. I can't be a part of that system. Alma, I'm selling out. I don't understand how your mama, as an intelligent woman with high morals, could accept how her husband made money. My mum is only about money, so she would allow the use of every loophole if there is an extra dollar to be earned." Let's take this over breakfast with Stuart – if you're still up to it", Mick sent me a worried look.

"I'm in good shape, no jetlag so far. I slept from Madrid to New York. Yes, Mick – let's do. I also know that I want a life of my own – with Carlos, and I need to talk with mama – without dad", Mick hugged me and looked happy. Best friends forever.

Stuart was waiting in the roof garden with breakfast for us when we got home."Baby Doll," He screamed, threw himself at me, and gave me a huge smacking kiss."How is that gorgeous lover boy of yours?"

"Still straight and gorgeous," I laughed back at him.

After breakfast, Stuart handed me a thick file. "This is the research we have done into Sachs&Goldberg – I think we should talk our way through it."

I start looking through the first pages, and they contain lists of clients, most of them American companies and individuals – so what's the stress?

"Many of these companies are shell companies with unknown owners," Mick explained. "We are not the only law firm using our client account to move money for dictators, corrupt politicians, and even oligarchs. This is legal, or there are huge loopholes both in the American and European law systems that let this happen. The money involved is money taken from national budgets, export, or foreign aid. This is money meant to give the people in often very poor countries a better life. Did you know those shell companies are behind more than 40% of all real estate sales over five million dollars in the US? Have you ever wondered why former African, Asian, and South-American leaders have huge Manhattan, Miami, or Beverly Hills properties? Shell companies."

"Shit – is that how we got rich?" I was horrified.

"Yes, Alma, it is. I found an article your granddad wrote about this back in the early 80-ies, I guess that is one of the reasons why there was little love lost between him and your mamas family. The NY Times has written several in-depth articles about this later as well. In the late Obama period, the authorities tried to close some of the loopholes, but they have proven difficult to close. And with Trump in office, they are not likely to be closed any time soon either. The entire law, banking, and real estate system has made tons of money on Shell companies with "unknown" owners. Not all of them foreign, many rich Americans have set up shell companies to move their fortunes to places or states where few questions are asked about ownership. I don't want to be a part of that system anymore", Mick said determinedly.

So if I understand the magnitude of this – most major legal companies are rotten, and they can be crooked and follow the law. This is sick. I start understanding why my Abuelo disliked my father.

"You know, after what our research proved, I have started to despise everything our parents represent. This is usually a thing you do when you're 18 and not 29, but Stuart and I are leaving the company. Of course, I knew of some of it, but not the whole picture. I'm not innocent in this practice either. But I won't let myself be swallowed by this greedy system. I hate the big bonuses we have taken out every year. I hate the fancy cars of our parents – and I have been wondering, Alma, why did your mother accept this? She is a free-spirited and thinking woman,  how could she get so tied up in this totally immoral system? This company represents everything your granddad worked against his entire life. I can't work there anymore. I have already applied for a position at the District attorney's office in Manhattan. Stuart will go back to Yale this fall for his last year of law school, and we will get him his bar exam. Our decision is absolute and final".

"I totally support your decision Mick and your Stuart – I'm so proud of you guys."

My Soul - Mi Alma (Ongoing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz