I'm Yours (1/3 of Niall Fan Fic)

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Liz welcomed us inside “Come in, come in, exciting news. Hey Grace, how are you?”

“Hi Liz, I’m well thankyou, a bit confused actually….” I replied politely, slightly laughing.

“It will all make sense soon.” She assured me.

We walked into Millie’s room, it smelt of perfume and deodorant. There was a big poster of One Direction that Millie got from the Fabulous Magazine, the same poster I tried to steal when Millie was in the bathroom, but she heard the poster being pulled down and started throwing toilet rolls at me. I put my phone and earphones down on her bed and she lead me into her main room. The main room had 3 double seater couches and a big flat screen tv with a small coffee table sitting in the middle of the room. Millie and I sat down on a couch and Liz sat down opposite us. Millie’s eyes started watering up, I gave a shocked look at Millie, then to Liz.

“Don’t worry Grace!” Lucy said as she handed Millie a slip of paper.

“Millie, tell her!” Lucy said. Millie started crying.

“Grace, oh my god, Grace, One Direction are coming to Adamstown!” I started crying, Millie hugged me and we started screaming.

“Look.” Millie said, handing me the two items. One the items was a flyer. The paper had  the ‘1D’ sign. The writing said, ‘One Direction book signing, Adamstown, 22nd August, 1:00pm, Adamstown Hall.’ I lifted my head and looked at Millie, she smiled at me with tears in her eyes.

“Yes, Grace, we’re going to the book signing!” She told me and I started crying again.

Liz started talking, “We tried to get tickets for the concert Grace, but they went so quickly and we weren’t sure when the tickets were coming available, so I thought I’d take you girls to a signing!” She beamed beamed, “Oh and I bought both of you ‘Dare to Dream’, ‘Forever New’ and their CD.” 

“What?! Oh my god!” We both started screaming and crying, “Thankyou so much!” We both ran and hugged Liz.

We decided to go shopping that day to get clothes for the signing. Niall is my favourite, so I decided on shirt with a leprechaun on it and Millie got a shirt with a carrot on it. We got some shorts and some white shoes. We bought a turtle to give to Liam and a Koala to give to Harry. We bought a necklace and got a turtle charm, a clover charm and a carrot charm. We decided to make a remote charm because we couldn’t find one in any of the shops.

When we arrived back at Millie’s house, we decided to paint carrots on our white shoes. We painted small, orange carrots on the tops of the shoe and painted the brim of the shoe in green. We found some old metal that we would use for the remote charm and out lined the metal with black paint and put dots on it to look like a remote.

I decided to go home later on, I was tired and needed to tell my mum about the signing, Millie walked me home, we had downloaded the CD to our iPod, so we listened to the cd on repeat. When we got closer to home, I saw an unfamiliar car parked by my car.

We were about 3 houses away, I recognized the car, it was my dad’s. I told Millie to go home, “Grace, be careful okay?”

I opened the front door a little bit, I could see my mum sitting on the couch, crying and my dad standing up in front of her with papers in his hand. He was yelling at her. I closed the door to go around the back but the door re-opened and a hand grabbed me, pulling me inside. “Get in here.” Dad growled at me.

Chapter 2

I pulled out from his grip and started to run off but he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. 

I'm Yours (1/3 of Niall Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang