Chapter 6 || Black Rose destiny|| Edited

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They were playing in teams where Tae, and Jimin, against Jin, and Namjoon. Hobi, sat on the couch opposite watching them play while Suga, was asleep like always.

The vigorous tapping of buttons.



Noo!!! were the sounds heard.

It was pleasing to watch all the boys so immersed in the screen in front of them with knitted eyebrows and baby face. They all looked so innocent. Who knew that the smoking hot handsome men were toddlers while playing games.

"Yooo!" yelled Tae, and Jimin, as they defeated Jin, and Namjoon!

A wide grin hovering on their face while opposite team were sulking.

"Just like cooking you suck even in games Namjoonie," Jin, scolded him.

"Yah!! it was because of you!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"You moron was tailing behind me. If I get killed you'll also get killed. Why on earth you don't use your brain in games ? Seriously you have 148 IQ, I doubt that," Jin huffed in annoyance.

"I am not gonna play with him guys, " said Namjoon, offended.

"Yah! Namjoonishi, is this how you talk to elders huh? We didn't do anything wrong. Those two prats would have cheated, " Jin said as if he was stating facts making Tae, and Jimin eyes widen.

"Hyung -- Jimin and Tae were cut off when they saw Hobi, getting cold coffee and some doritos.

Dropping the fight abruptly they focussed on the food. All the packets got over and only one dorios was left making Jimin and Tae fight while the eldests were groaning! These men were always kids, when the topic revolves around food.

Taehyung and Jimin were wrestling for the last packet of their favourite snack. The business men took an abrupt turn into lawyers, as they argued stating the facts why they need the last packet for themselves. It was tiring to watch them cry of a packet of doritos when in reality when they could buy the entire snack company.

To divert them from fighting Hobi asked septically,"Hey Jimin, did you finally get to talk to her?"

Jimin flushed hot red and his eyes lowered in embarassment. The hue on his cheek was brancing out making the sensitive nerves of his face get a highlighted glow. A goofy grin settled on his face when he finally managed to look at the lads who looked ghosted to observe the changes in the last 2 minutes. The blush, his shy eyes, goofy expression and his sweaty hands perplexed the lads like never. Jimin was lost in thoughts about the new flame of fire for the girl he had recently found his heart skipping it's beats for. Namjoon nudged at Jin and spared him a surprised expression. Never in a million years they saw Jimin flush at the mention of a girl. And this sudden remark made by Hobi made everyone wonder who was that wondergirl who held the capacity to seal the never ending mouth of Park Jimin.

"Can you spare us the privilege of knowing the woman in your heart? A true beauty to make our Jimin, blush?" Jin trumpeted with a chortle, making Jimin turn even more red.
The 5 pairs of eyes setting the sole of them on Jimin made it hard for him to reply. Recalling the girl's smile who he wanted to own, he reigned his emotions letting out the breath he was unconciously holding.

Jimin finally replied with a magical smile on his lips when he uttered her name "Aria." The unforeseen mention of her name made Taehyung choke on his drink. His casual yet eager eyes turned into slits when Jimin uttered the name he could never forget nor her face. It's been more than a week since the incident in the hospital. Taehyung ploughed deep in his head to try and identify what made Jimin develop a fancying for the arrogant woman? He didn't like the idea of Jimin fancying over Aria in anyway and never in a romantic relationship. Suddenly he felt nauseated thinking about Aria and Jimin together.

HIS UNTAMED HEART || KTH (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora