Chapter 7: Fights

Start from the beginning

"Was all the info on BDSM necessary?" She smiles and bares her teeth at me.

"It's information I would like if I had two hot mates like you do." I roll my eyes and gesture for her to continue with her show and tell. She sniffs and crosses her arms as the scene resumes.


Lucas walks over to the desk and slumps in the chair as his telephone buzzes and a woman's voice comes on.

"Mr. Leo, you have someone here to see you but he doesn't have an appointment. He said to tell you that you would be expecting him. He has black hair and..." Lucas's leans forwards and yanks the phone off the desk and throws it across the room. He storms out the door into another room that looks like a waiting area. Chairs are lined against the wall and a small gray haired woman sits behind a desk at the front of the room. Gabriel is standing beside her, near the door, glaring at Lucas as he storms over to him. Lucas glances at the woman and snaps at her.

"Cancel all my appointments for the next two days, family emergency. I suspect this will take a bit." My calm collected Gabriel is glaring at Lucas baring his teeth as Lucas walks past him out the door. Gabriel turns and follows him out.


I look over at Tawny amazed.

"When the hell was this?" She smiles at me like I'm a child that she's indulging, which a way I guess I am.

"It was the week you and Ash did your girl stuff."  I nod as the scene resumes. 


It's large room, I'm assuming is a home gym since there is work-out equipment all over the room. But in the center of the room is three big black workout mats. Gabriel and Lucas stand in the middle of the mats, barefoot and shirtless.


I scoff and cross my arms over my chest.

"Your telling me they calmly got in a car together, and drove somewhere they could beat the shit out of each other?" Tawny looks at me, and I take a step back, so we aren't as close. She smiles and I close my eyes a second as she speaks. Jeez, you would think she could turn the charisma down.

"Yes, Gabriel is very calm considering..." I open my eyes to look at her, unsure of what she means.

"Considering...." Tawny bares her teeth at me, a habit of hers.

"Considering you have just been rejected by the mate that the clans would respect. And he knows how much it's hurting you." I shake my head and take a step back.

"You're saying he wanted me to take just Lucas and not him?" Tawny yawns and a plush red chair appears for her to sit in. She sits, curling her legs underneath her.

"He hoped you would take them both but was unsure of how it would go. He wasn't sure Lucas and him were copacetic. Now watch the show. Popcorn?" She leans forward and there is a tub of popcorn in her hands and I am sitting in a chair too. I hate it when she does that. I shake my head and look back at my boys.


Gabriel lifts his hand and runs it through his hair as he speaks. His voice is hard and tight with anger.

"You hurt her. You made her cry and she was ashamed. Too ashamed to let me see her cry so she sent me away. Ash gets to comfort her and I figured the least I could do was come down here and kick your ass."


I leap out of the chair as Tawny sighs. I gesture at the scene.

"How the hell is Gabe in the human world? I thought we didn't remember?" Tawny rolls her eyes and I blink at her. A goddess can roll her eyes.

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