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Bakugo POV

I woke up so early that no one could see me. When I wake up I saw Mihaki is already getting ready. "What the-" I decided to keep quiet. "You wait a minute. I'll shower and make you a sandwich."


"How did you get here?" "What do you mean?" "Time. Mr. Aizawa said that you came from the future." "Oh ... I'll tell you later" After that we both went silent until we arrived in front of the teacher's office.

Then the door opened. I saw Mr. Aizawa come with a tired face as usual. "Come in." The two of us went inside and met All Might.

"What's this child's name?" "Mihaki." "All Might won't work today. He can watch over Mihaki while you are in school." "YES PLEASE TAKE HIM I'M TIRED WITH THIS SHIT!" I screamed.I won't be bothered by that kid anymore. "But you will watch over him as long as there is no class." No problem. The most important thing is i can be free now.

When I went to class everyone had arrived. "Bakubro! You came later than me?" "Shut up." I walked to my seat. "Wow you didn't scream? You must be in a good mood. Did something happen?" Pikachu suddenly came. "You want me to scream ???" I said getting annoyed. "Eep! No thanks." After a few minutes Mr. Aizawa came and the class started.


School is over. I have to go get Mihaki. "Bakubro, where are you going?" Why does he always follow me? damn shitty hair. "I need to get something. Don't follow me!" "Okay ..." I walked towards the teacher's room. There I saw All Might was waiting for me. "He can't wait to see you." "Hm" I said curtly. I carried him and immediately walked towards the dorms.

When I reached the front entrance I stopped. "Wait here. I'll go in and change my clothes. Then I'll sneak you in so no one can see you." He just nodded. I then went inside. Suddenly, I felt someone touch my shoulder. "So, what did you take?" "None of your damn business!" I left shitty hair and went to my room.

After changing my clothes I walked out to pick Mihaki. But there was no one outside. Suddenly I heard a voice from the common room. There's a lots of people there. They looked like they were crowding something.

"Hey what the fuck is going on here ?!" "Aw Bakugo, you didn't say you had a son. He's so cute!" WHAT. THE. FUCK. "Who let you in ?!" "Actually Ejirou-san was the one who invited me in." "And you did ?!" How dare he defy me. "Wow calm down Bakugo. We can't just leave him outside, can we?"

Before I said anything I had a brilliant idea. "Okay now you guys are taking care of him, Hah!" "Daddy!" All went silent. Why now ?! Don't embarrass me like that. "AWEE SO SWEET!" The girls started fangirling. "WHAT THE FUCK STOP CALLING ME LIKE THAT !!!" I'm getting so pissed. "Bakugo you can't just say something like that." "I can say whatever the fuck I want!" "He's your son!" "That's why!" I started to get annoyed and ran to my room. I closed the door so hard and locked it.

This is so weird... But it was worth it.

Words count:556 words

[DISCONTINUED] Daddy and Me! || BNHA Bakudeku Fanfiction || BNHA Next GenerationWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu