Do you still love me?

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Season 10
Reader notices daryl and carol getting closer than before and that Daryl is missing out on their plans


Late again, you rolled your eyes Daryl had promised you he would be back in time for dinner, he has never been late, right up until carol came back. It's like you were forgotten by him when she is around. You tried to not think of any of it that there may be something going on between the two but know it's been getting harder and harder not to.

You heard footsteps come down the stairs to your shared room you knew it was Daryl. You were reading a book and anger started to rise.

"Hey sorry I was late was out with carol, we were hunting" he said and looked at you and saw the anger in your eyes, his eyes then went wide when he realized what he missed.

"Dammit sorry I forgot we had plans" he scratched the back of his head. He started to take his clothes off and put gear down. Dog came downstairs and jumped on bed asking for scratches so you gave him some. Daryl jumped on bed a kissed your cheek and felt the tension and layed down.

"Do you still love me" you asked and felt the tears threaten to fall. Daryl looked at you like you were crazy.

"Mm course I love yu why would you say that?" He asked concerned.

"Your ways with carol now, when she is around it's like I'm invisible" you said definitely about to cry.

"Nah there is nothing going on between her and me, we just need to catch up msorry if I ignored you" he said with sympathy and smiled weakly.

"Ok I'm sorry I just don't want to loose you" some tears were falling freely, god why did I have to be such a crybaby, you thought.

"You won't, now go to sleep" he said and you both laid down with his arm around you and dog at your feet.


Gone again, you woke up with him not there, you got dressed and asked around and found your best friend Connie if she has seen them. You became best friends with Connie when you met her when she first came to hilltop and your slowly learning sign language. She's signed she saw Daryl go off with carol for something. You thanked her and she gave you a sympathetic smile knowing what was going through your head.

(A/n- I know what I'm about to write happens now happens in the beginning of the season but imma say it happened here for this story and I added my own things)

You got your weapons and started your search for Daryl. He taught you tracking and you were pretty good at it. You found Daryl and carol sitting on a log shooting acorns at a can trying got make it in. You moved closer to listen to the conversation.

"We should run away together" said carol, "leave everybody,see what's out there."

"Hmm good idea, maybe New Mexico, start our own lives" said Daryl and you got a uneasy feeling In your stomach hearing him agree with that. That's when it hit you Daryl would leave you and go with carol. You had heard enough and tried to leave slowly and quietly but you stepped on a branch that snapped and Daryl and Carol looked at source of the noise ready to attack but stood down when they saw you. You slowly turned around and you didn't even realize you were crying. Daryls face was washed with concern and he started to walk towards to to try and hug you but you stepped back.

"When I asked you yesterday if you still loved me, you said you did but now you are ready to leave everything behind leave me for carol, so do you truly still love me"? You asked. Daryl didn't say anything and looked down at his feet trying to come up what to say, he was never good with words and you knew that. You stood there for about a minute until you understood his answer of silence, you took a shaky breath and nodded.

You started to walk away not stopping when you heard Daryl call for you to wait. You heard 2 sets of foot steps start running towards you and you started to run. You ran all the way to Alexandria ignoring Daryls pleas to stop and listen. You entered through the gates and Connie saw you run through Alexandria with tears in your eyes and Daryl chasing you carol walking in behind him. Connie ran after you knowing you needed to talk.

You got to the house you once shared with Daryl and carol and went to his room which is no longer shared between you to. You grabbed a bag and started to pick up your things when you heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs.

"Y/n please listen it was a joke back there I do love you" Daryl said trying to stop you.

"A joke well, you two had a funny way of saying it" you scoffed to trying to stop the tears. Daryl grabbed you arms stopping you from packing clothes. You looked into his clue eyes and fell in love with him all over again forgetting why you were leaving. He said I love you and you snapped out of whatever trance he put you in.

You ripped yourself away from him and Connie came down the stairs looking at you crying at Daryl with his head down not knowing what to say.
You finished packing and started to go up the stairs.

"Y/n" you heard Daryls voice break and you stopped.

"You don't know what you want, come and find me if you figure it out" you said and walked out with Connie while she rubbing your back sympathetically as if telling you it will be ok. Daryl watched you leave the house and looked at carol who was sitting and about to stand up and try and comfort him, he started to get mad.

Daryls POV
"Why do you always pull me away from er, now I lost er, she was the best thing that ever happen to me" I said trying to fight back the tears, Carol stood up and was about to comfort me and I backed up.

"Daryl I'm sorry,but I-I like you maybe love and I thought maybe if I pulled you away from Y/n you could see we belong with each other" she said and I looked at her in disbelief . I lost the love of my life because of this bitches jealousy. The anger started to rise but I didn't yell I just wanted her back.

"So the king is that why you left him because you wanted me, you just had to ruin my relationship for your delight, You only care about you damn self". I said and pointed at her I walked away I had to clear my head I wanted Y/n back I have never wanted anything so bad with anyone before.

A/n: part two will be up

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