Coming out(Enid)

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Daryl Dixon x daughter reader x Enid

The reader is scared to come out to her father Daryl and bring her relationship with Enid to light


Just friends you thought. You never thought you would be interested in girls until you met her, Enid. She is gorgeous, shy, and kind. Nobody suspects that I may like girls because everybody thinks me and Carl will be together, hell I think my father thinks so too.

Enid and I have been dating for about 2 months now and I'm scared of what people will think or what my father will think. Would he never talk to me again? Would he call me a disgrace? So many questions run through my head I know my father is ok with LGBTQ but would he be fine with his only kid being lesbian or bisexual you don't know.

What would your uncle have thought about this.?

You know Enid wants to kiss you and hold hands with you in public but you liked it better behind closed doors.

At first, you thought Enid may like Carl and you thought you did too but after the walkers invaded Alexandria you and Enid were in the truck with Glenn, Sasha, Abraham, and your dad. When you were killing walkers you and she caught them back to back you loved being so close to her. After you guys cleared the walkers you were inside the infirmary with your dad as he got stitches. You were all waiting to see how Carl was.

When you went back outside to go get cleaned up Enid stopped you and pulled you away from everybody.

"Y/n I like you." She says and bit her lip waiting for my response. You have frozen the girl of your dreams likes you back.

"Wait you like me like me like want a relationship like me." She said nervously.

"Yes like you, a relationship like you." She blushed and smiled you looked around and kissed her and she kissed back enjoying the moment.

Now you are here trying to figure out how to come out to your dad. You walked over to Enid's for her input since she had already done this.

"Enid I need to come out, I'm sick and tired of keeping us a secret," You said anxiously, Enid looked at you and smiled.

"Do you need ideas to do this?" She asked and you nodded. She gave you ideas and you decided on just saying it to him. Now you are walking to find your father so you can sit down with him. You found him working on his bike outside the house.

"Dad?" You asked

"Hmm, hey kid what do ya need," said Daryl as he stands up cleaning his hands on his rag.

"Can we talk, inside?" You asked and pointed to the house. You saw concern wash over your father's face and he nodded following you inside, you both sat down on the couch and you took a breath, and the tears started to fall. Daryl hugged you and pulled you to his side and asked what was wrong.

"Please don't hate me." You sniffled

"Kid I ain't never going to hate you what's wrong?"

He was starting to get worried, were you pregnant...?

"I'm bisexual." You cried and waited for his answer.

"That cool." He says warmly and looked down at you

"So you don't hate me? " You asked sniffling.

"I can never hate you for that, I love you no matter what you are," He says and hugs you tightly.

"Well I guess I can say I have a girlfriend, it's Enid," You say and smile. Your dad smiled a rare smile and kissed your forehead.

"Well, you going to introduce me to her as your girlfriend or what?" Your dad asked and making you giggle and hugged him tightly.


You three had dinner and it went amazing. You could tell your dad was kinda interrogating Enid but she seemed to not mind knowing he just wants to protect his only child. You all said goodbye and you kissed Enid and smiled and said goodnight.

"Ok she's good, and I don't care about nun of that sappy shit but I don't want to walk in on it happening, ok"? Your dad said smirking at you

"Yes father" you giggled and your dad put his arm around you and you walked home.

A/n - a little cute image. I think I have to write a jealousy image never really see the reader get jealous of Daryl and carol images so I'm going to start them.

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