Chapter One

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I never wanted this. I never asked for this and if I were the judge I'd say I never did anything to deserve this.
Sure I made mistakes in my life, I'm only human.. But nothing to deserve this! But clearly I must've been wrong.
Everything in my life was going so... Okay. I couldn't say great because, well, that would be a lie but I didn't live a terrible life.
I had a few friends who I saw on a regular basis, had a decent job, even had a decent place with a roomate that I didnt hate... We just didnt have much in common.
My family life was close to non exisitent but that wasn't something that bothered me really.
Everything was going okay. I had even went out on a Wednesday night with a couple of friends, we went to a couple of bars and clubs.. Had a couple drinks and danced.
I remember Lily had left our group early that night to go home to her boyfriend, leaving Jade, Katrina and myself because we weren't quite ready to turn in yet.
We made sure to stay together as a group, we always did just to be safe. I mean we were girls who weren't accompanied by any men and were at a club.. It was a smart move to stay together.
It was close to three thirty AM when we all decided we were ready to leave. We had exited the club and made our way to the parking lot. After saying our goodbyes we all went our own ways and I got into my car.
Sure I had had a couple drinks but I wasn't even feeling tipsy really, so I deemed myself safe to drive.
I had made it about half way home before my car had started to act up, which was weird because it never had in the past. My car was fairly new and I kept up on the maintenance so it hadn't really given me any problems. Untill then. And of course, with just my luck it was on a road in the middle of nowhere. It was pitch black outside and there were absolutely no lights, especially after my headlights went out due to my car dying. I cursed quietly to myself before digging through my purse to find my phone. I immediately called my roomate. She didn't answer the first time and so I called and called untill she finally picked up.
"Hey, it's me.. Um, my car just broke down and I'm litterally in the middle of nowhere. Do you think you could maybe come pick me up?"
I heard a sigh on her end before she reluctantly agreed.
"I guess... Send me your location and I'll be right there."
I quickly thanked her and hung up before I sent her a text with my exact location pin pointed on a map.
I tried to not let myself over think as I haf a tendency to do so and I knew that now was not time for that.
Not when I was in the middle of nowhere, by myself, in a broken down car.
I found things to keep my mind busy with to pass time until finally about ten minutes later a car had pulled up behind me. I stayed seated in my car, sending her a quick text.
'Is that you?'
I didn't get a text back as I watched the person get out of the car behind me through my side mirror. They started to walk up to my car, causing me to quickly hit the lock button when I realised this person was way too tall to be her. They easily had to be six feet tall, when my roomate was only five four.
I tapped my foot nervously, trying to quickly figure out what to do.
Just stay still and ignore them, they'll go away. Just don't open the door, or the windows.
I was terrified, especially as they came up to my door and tapped on the window. The man was so tall that so I couldn't see his face but I had no need or want to anyways.
"Hey, do you need some help?" The person called from outside my car.
"No thanks, my boyfriend is on his way." I lied, hoping that would send this stranger on his way.
"Are you sure? I mean I know my way around a car.. I might be able to help get you back on the road.. But I mean, I understand.. It is the middle of night and we are in the middle of nowhere."
I didn't know what to say or what to do, I just knew I wanted him to leave.
"If you wanna pop your hood I can check it out... You dont have to get out of the car even." So maybe that didnt sound so bad. I mean, he might be able to fix it and I'll be able to still be safe inside. I bit my lip before reaching for the button. I pressed it and heard my hood unlock before he walked to the front of my car and opened the hood.
Besides, at the most it would only take Shelby five more minutes to reach me and I could get the hell out of here.
"I think you just blew a fuse!" He called to me, coming back to my door. "But your fuses are inside the car.. Do you mind if I take a look?" He asked.
"Umm.." I mumbled, unsure as I chewed on my lip. How do I just make him leave?
"It'll be quick and you'll be on your way. Promise."
I didn't need anyone else to tell me I was an idiot when I hit the unlock button. I was already telling myself that and immediately regretting it as he opened my door.
"I think its just a fuse, we should be able to swap it and your car will be running like normal. Id maybe take it to a shop in the morning though just to be safe." He spoke, his voice low and quiet as he pulled a little panel off my dash and used a flashlight to look at all the fuses.
He pulled one out before shining a light on it and nodding his head.
"Yep, blown... Do you think you could maybe get up? Its just you're a little in the way for me to get a good look at the rest to see what else I could replace it with."
"What? I-"
"Its okay, I promise."
He seemed nice, I mean he was taking the time to help out a stranger and so stupidly I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. He fiddled with the fuses for a while before standing up straight.
"I don't think we're getting this car back on the road tonight." I heard his deep voice. That was the last thing I heard before he grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. I felt fabric against my face and as I struggled to breath my vision turned black and I was out.

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