But Grace couldn't refuse unless she was otherwise promised, and Adam hoped that she was not. She stared up at him, her cornflower blue eyes wide with unease, but she nodded.

"I would be delighted," she replied, sounding anything but delighted.

The music for the second dance began to end, and Adam offered his arm to Grace. Her small hand shook as she extended it, placing it delicately on his forearm. The moment she was his, he led her away from her mother and sister.

"My sister tells me that you are now friends," Adam murmured under his breath, Grace's subsequent gasp letting him know that she had heard him.

"Is that why you have sought me out, milord?" Grace whispered. "Do you wish to put an end to that friendship?"

Ahead, Adam saw Jack extend his hand to Claire, asking her to dance the next with him. For a moment, Adam calmed, as he saw a genuine expression of happiness of his brother's usually sullen face. But this was quickly erased when another young man claimed Claire. Adam recalled his face from years ago, but he could not remember his name.

The look on Claire's face was evident that he was the man that she wanted to dance with, and she gave Jack her sincere apologies as Jack bowed to her and left, clearly disappointed.

Grace was watching the same exchange with disappointment. Perhaps she had wanted the connection between her sister and Adam's brother for reasons of benefit. Adam then admonished himself for the careless thought. Grace had never behaved in a way that was self-serving, and it was cruel to allow those thoughts now.

"No," said Adam, "so long as you do not fill Susanna's head with lies."

His words were cold, and perhaps her assessment of him had been correct as Grace looked up at him in shock. They took their place in the line of dances, Grace standing opposite to Adam, still reeling.

"I never lied," she mouthed emphatically.

Adam had to smirk. The musicians began to play, and he bowed to her, alongside the other men. The ladies in turn curtseyed to their partners, though Grace did not take her infuriated eyes off of him.

Adam took three steps in as part of the sequence, and uttered, "Unfaithful, you called me? Never!" he hissed, before taking three steps backward.

Grace followed suit, taking three steps in to meet him. "And you called me a liar?" she accused. "You are supposed to be a gentleman! That is why you went away. And you cannot even do the decent thing and apologise to me!" Grace spoke quickly, angrily, with the ire of weeks of pent up frustration, before she stepped back into line.

"Apologise?" snapped Adam, careful to keep his voice low as they met each other in the middle. Adam held his hands out for Grace's, and she took them, before they turned in a circle. "I owe you nothing. You, on the other hand, had the nerve to call me unfaithful after how callously and appallingly you behaved."

Adam and Grace came to stand next to each other as the couples moved in their lines. "I don't know how you could say such things to me now," Grace whispered shakily. "What you said to me is burned in my mind."

What was she talking about? Adam scowled down at her. "I have never said a cruel word to you," except for perhaps now, he silently admitted.

The line separated and they were once again standing opposite to one another. Grace's mouth was agape in shock as she comprehended his words, clearly not believing them.

"It is I who have never said a cruel word to you, milord," Grace retorted as they took hands once again to turn. "But you are not innocent. We cannot be friends, or anything else, as it is not proper," she said, as though she were reciting something.

A Solemn PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now