chapter 2 - plan time lads

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chapter 2 is up!! 😉😳😌😁🤟

zoe waited impatiently as her fellow bright fields riders slowly came into the meeting room. she had called an emergency meeting to discuss the special plan she had for getting pin back to bright fields- I MEAN for RUINING HIM. becky walked in wearing her signature outfit - a full body lorax costume.

"BECKY what the fuck took u so long u ugly bitch"

"i was just brushing my horse bc he fell in a pile of his own piss and shit-"

"becky i do not give a FUCK about that giant shitting PIG that u call a horse. get in the cupboard of shame."

becky sighed, not having the energy to fight back and squeezed into the cupboard in the corner of the room. "this is not horsesome" she wailed.

"shut the fuck up u annoying bitch. ok so guess what dick noses"

"what" the others chorused.

"pin is LYING like the dirty cheap LIAR that he is. he is NOT jeff bezos rich. and that is the first rule of holloway riding scool."
they all gasped dramatically.

"SHES RIGHT" cries Mia, who has spontaneously shaved her head. "I've known him since we were shitting in diapers together and he IS DIRT POOR. his dad works in a circus."

"OMG" jade screams at the top of her lungs "that explains why his jumps were so BEAUTIFUL and MAJESTIC. because of his mysterious circus background"

zoe modded. it was all coming together. "ok gang we have to EXPOSE him for the DIRT POOR bastard he is. lets do this"

"Wait" says a voice at the back of the room. zoe groaned. she had forgotten about him. "Shouldn't we focus on training our horses so we can win a macdonalds 20% discount coupon."

it was theyre new trainer. zoe couldn't even remember his name he was so forgetful. in her mind she just called him piss poor excuse for a human being.

"look you can either shut the fuck up or ill get raven to eat u."

raven appeared at the window looking hungry. he hadn't eaten since she had lured Rosie to his stable. that was two months ago. piss poor excuse for a human being looked very very scared and a single drop of sweat fell to the ground. he didn't say anything else.

"ok so, mia ur on editing." mia glared at her and then said "ok sounds like fun"
zoe modded.

"Susie u can write because that is ur one talent."
susie nodded thoughtfully. "yes that is true. thank you."

"jade and backy u guys are fucking creepy as fuck and have all kinds of surveillance equipment so u can stalk pin to get more info for the exposé"
"ok" jade shrugged as bonky said her catchphrase. a guttural scream of anguish. "hehe good old bucky... Ok is everee one ready!"

"wait!!!!! u didn't give me a job." marcus said.
zoe blinked. and then blinked again. she had forgotten about her basic bitch of a boyfriend. god he was stupid. she plastered on a smile. she couldn't let him now that PIN and ONLY PIN was her one tru love.

"you can get us food - remember to only get our favourite dish: baked horse meat."
everyone in the room drooled because they loved baked horse meet.

Marcus smiled but zoe could see he was hiding something. she wondered what his dark secret could he???!!!! She shook it off. she had bigger tings to worry about. "OK LETS EXPOSE A MOTHERFCUKER!"

hope that was okay, it was really rushed sorry!!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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