A Warrior

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I don't have wings,

But, I can fly.

I'm not a warrior,

But, I have a sword.

I don't have powers to teleport,

But, I can go to the other world.

I'm not a fairy,

But, I can control the time and happenings.

I'm not a chess player,

But, I can control them.

I'm not a mind reader,

But, I know what they're thinking.

I'm not a Goddess,

But, their life is on my hand.

I can control them, I know what they're doing, I know their story.

Because I created them.

I'm not a warrior holding her sword that can kill thousands of people.

I'm a warrior holding her pen to let them know the words untold.

I don't have wings but let me fly with you using my imaginations.

Let me breathe.

Let me fly.

Let me feel the freedom.

Let me write.

With you.

The Truth Untold Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora