Part 8

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Part 8

41 weeks

"Matty. Wake up." You whisper, shaking his shoulder in attempt to wake him. He doesn't budge so you pull the blankets off him in hopes that it might work but again, he doesn't move. It's quite disappointing considering you're now five days past your due date and if you were in labor, he won't wake. Luckily, Chantal is sleeping just down the hall. After many conversations, you and Matthew agreed that it was probably a good idea to have her stay with the two of you in case you were to go in labor while Matt was playing a game. Yes, you had friends around but it comforted you much more having Chantal here because she's went through this before.

With one last look at Matt, you roll out of bed and waddle like a duck, because that's what you looked like according to Matt and Brady, to the kitchen. You were trying to wake Matt up because you felt like a snack but you didn't feel like getting out of bed.

You're digging through the freezer for some ice-cream you're sure Brady had bought when he last visited when you feel the first cramp. It's a little uncomfortable but you've been having some braxton hicks contractions on and off over the past few weeks, some feeling real enough that you went to the hospital only to be sent home which was very embarrassing even though Chantal told you it happens all the time. It wasn't exactly the fact that you got sent home that you felt embarrassed about, but that Matthew left practice because he thought you were in labor. You just thanked your lucky stars that it wasn't while he was in the middle of a game because it would've been ten times worse.

So you brush it off, cheering silently when you find the tub of chocolate ice-cream, idly wondering if it's weird to eat it in bed at three o'clock in the morning. You decide it's not, walking back to the bedroom and crawling in bed. You sit up against the headboard and grab the PS4 controller so you can put Netflix on since you know you won't be falling asleep any time soon.

Matt rolls over and throws and arm over your legs and nuzzling his face in your side halfway through an episode of Grey's Anatomy. It's gives your belly a weird feeling again, not pain this time but something else. Something a little unsettling because you haven't felt this particular feeling in quite some time.

You're pretty sure you're in love with Matt which makes you equally frightened as it does happy. You've realized that your hatred for him stemmed from that one night when he did something to make you angry when your breakup with your ex was so fresh and you were emotionally vulnerable.

Just like Johnny had told Matt good things about you, he's mentioned things about Matt to you, obviously in hopes that the two of you would hit it off. It gave you a little hope that despite what you had heard from some of the girls, he wasn't that bad of a guy which you know is true now.

Your only problem now is that you have no idea how strong his feelings are for you. Part of you is afraid that what he does feel is only from seeing you carrying his child. You know what he told you at the baby shower, that he liked you since you met but you still can't shake the feeling that maybe what he feels for you might just be temporary.

That one day he's going to wake up and decide that he doesn't want you the way he does now and it breaks your heart thinking about it.

"You're crying." Matt mumbles and you look down to see him now wide awake. "What's wrong?"

You didn't realize that you were crying and you can't wait for the day when everything doesn't make you cry like a baby.

"I'm fine." You say, swiping the tears away. "It's the show." This is a lie because you haven't been paying attention to the show for about five minutes.

Consequences - Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now