seventeen. ( spring blossoms. )

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She hadn't half a mind why she was going where she was. She had woken up that morning, fully intent on enjoying a lazy Sunday of lounging about in bed until noon came, bringing with it the arrival of three boys who would all jump into her covers to cuddle, their limbs a tangle and their bodies pressed close and warm about her. It was her favorite part of the weekends — spending Sunday afternoons cuddling with her three best friends. What she'd gotten instead was a note on her bedside table in Cedric's leaning scrawl, his letters all running into one another on the torn parchment.

He wrote like he was in a hurry to finish writing, with his letters tilted and all looped together like messy braids. There was always too much on his mind, too many other things he should be doing, too many other things he wanted to be doing.

Good morning, sleepy angel. I'll be down at the quidditch pitch. Come meet me!

The angel bit had set her insides all aflutter, until her stomach felt like both an accordion and a storm of butterflies ( what an odd combination! ), and her cheeks were turned a bright peony pink. Who did Cedric think he was, being so sweet and charming? Reducing her insides and her brain to mushy, lovesick goo? It was a little sad, she thought. How just one word from him could cause her brain to short circuit, or send her heart into overdrive. ( Not for the first time, she wondered why Cedric would settle for her, though she tried to push her negativity and insecurities away. )

Elaine had felt like she had angel wings, like she was hovering just a bit above the ground with her halo of happiness, as she'd dressed in her favorite pink trousers and a thick, sage green sweater. When she'd floated into the common room with her mood socks a bright, sunshiny yellow, Blake and Milo had laughed at the dreamy little smile on her face and the flush of her cheeks. Tad the Toad, wearing a tiny golden crown, leaped right into the palms of her hands with a loving little croak when she held them out to wish him a good day.

"Going on a date?" Milo had asked innocently, blinking up at her with wide, vividly purple eyes. His eyebrows were a violent green, and hazardously overgrown. He and Blake were seated on opposite ends of the couch with a bowl of melted cheese between them, apparently working through a bit of delicious fondue and human transfiguration practice to accompany their dreadfully long essay assignment that she hadn't even started yet, but was due the next day. ( That was a problem for later that night! She often did some of her best work when she procrastinated. )

"I'm sure it's not a date date," Elaine said lightly, readjusting King Tad's crown.

"Did you pack protection?" Blake then asked, a great deal less innocently, grinning a bit madly beneath his adorable pig's nose. Elaine had to say that it suited him quite well.

Her brow had furrowed as she ran a finger down Tad's bumpy back, and the toad croaked happily, mouth curving to an almost smile. "What would I need protection for? It's just Cedric."

Blake's grin broadened, exposing his chipped front teeth — the result of a terrible idea he and Cedric had had to attempt to skateboard down the moving staircases. "Oh, Ellie Bellie," he sighed sweetly. "When two people really like each other, they —"

"They have a lot of fun hanging out together!" Milo stamped on his foot with a wide, white smile, and Blake's likely wonderful speech was interrupted by a grunt of pain. "And don't forget your coat, it's still a bit chilly out," Milo beamed.

Elaine kissed Tad's cheek gently ( and wondered if it might turn him to a handsome prince! ) and set him back down on the table. "Have a lovely day, Tad! You're my favorite."

She was humming happily as she skipped out of the common room, lavender coat slung over her arm and her camera strapped around her neck. "Bye Milo! Bye Blake!" she sang, and received a chorus of well wishes back.

honeysuckle. (cedric diggory.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن