one. ( platform 9 ¾. )

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ELAINE GALLAGHER fell, quite literally, for Cedric Diggory the very first time they met

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ELAINE GALLAGHER fell, quite literally, for Cedric Diggory the very first time they met. Caught up in the excitement of finally getting to go to Hogwarts herself, Elaine had rushed through the barrier to Platform 9¾, and once she emerged on the other side, she kept on rushing. Straight through the crowd, trying to soak up as much as she possibly could, her eyes wide and round and bright as the moon and sparkling with wonder. Straight into Cedric's trunk, which she ( not so ) gracefully tripped over, landing herself upside down on the platform with the insides of her sandwich smeared across the front of her shirt.

His eyes, a beautiful silvery gray, had crinkled in laughter as he reached out a hand to help her up. Even then, even at the age of eleven, even before Elaine knew what love was, she knew that she loved Cedric. Deep in her heart, when he smiled at her that first time, unkempt curls of caramel kissing his temples, she knew that he would be the only person to ever make her stomach flutter, as though a million beautiful butterflies were taking flight.

So expertly, so gracefully, she had stuttered, "I... uh, I, uh... sand-sandwich?" Peanut butter, she now realized, was all over her. Sticky on her shirt, tangled into the tips of her golden hair. She wished peanut butter was on her cheeks, to hide how deeply they flushed.

Again, he had laughed. "Here," he said brightly, taking half of the sandwich and smearing it across his own shirt. "Now, you won't be the only one looking nutty on the first day! I'm Cedric, by the way. Cedric Diggory."

Taking a quick breath to regain her composure, Elaine smiled. "I'm peanut. Oh shoot, I mean, I'm Elaine. Uh, Gallagher! That's my last name, yeah." ( Okay, maybe she didn't completely regain her composure. )

"Elaine! Elaine!" It was her older brother, a seventh year Ravenclaw, who had explicitly told her to wait for him on the other side of the barrier, which she clearly had not. Ben was pushing along a cart saddled with both of their trunks, looking exasperated, and their parents were behind him, along with another couple.

Her father had clapped his hands eagerly, breaking out into a smile at the sight of Elaine and Cedric, as did the man beside him. "Wonderful! You've already met Mr. Diggory's son! See, I told you, Amos, they'd hit it off."

honeysuckle. (cedric diggory.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя