seventeen. ( spring blossoms. )

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SNOW WHISPERED down around her, fat flakes of white that drifted gently through the chilly March air without a care in the world

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SNOW WHISPERED down around her, fat flakes of white that drifted gently through the chilly March air without a care in the world. They fell where the wind tossed them, settling softly on powder dusted grass that was damp and verdant with the beginning of spring's green kiss. Elaine wriggled her toes, snug in her boots, and giggled at the soft squelch of the slushy ground. She dropped to her knees, and cold dampness seeped through her pink corduroy trousers as she brushed her fingers over the bent heads of newborn daffodils. At her warm, tender touch, the butter yellow flowers perked up slightly to sway along with her humming.

"Hello there," she murmured, cupping her fingers around their silken petals. Rebirth and new beginnings. "It's lovely to see you again."

It was a "goodbye" snow shower, the last of the winter falling into the peeking breath of spring, and while Elaine was more than excited for the rolling hills to explode into lush green canvases laced with wildflowers, she was sorry to see the winter go. There was something magical about the winter, with its white snowflakes like gleaming jewels let loose from the clouds, and its blustery winds that threaded icy fingers through her hair like her Mum pulling at her braids.

Elaine stood and brushed the slush from her knees, then pulled her lavender coat closer around her. She stood with her back to the castle, staring out across the grounds that seemed to melt and drip, even as fresh snowflakes drifted down from the gray skies. Elaine tipped back her chin to catch a flake on her tongue, mouth open in a wide, dopey grin towards the sky. Spring was upon them, marked by the coming of the daffodils — the season of gentle life and warmth and rebirth. She wondered what tiny miracles might be in store for her in the coming months.

( She hoped such miracles might include a couple of halfway decent marks, as final exams were really just around the corner, and she was nowhere near ready for the end of the year! )

Tucking her hands into her pockets, Elaine set off down the hill, placing each step carefully so as not to slip in the winter-green slush, or to accidentally stamp one of the baby flowers beginning to poke out their heads and peer inquisitively into their new world. She bade each new blossom good morning, and their faces seemed to glow brighter in the faint golden sunlight fighting to shine through the snow.

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