3: His Solo War Ends

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||Aizawa's POV||

         I was waiting for an answer when a saw his eyes started to tear up.

"Izuku... Are you alright..?" Hizashi asked calmly for once.

"W-Well you see... I live i-in a toxic h-home, so I-I've gotten used to waking up a couple hours after I've gotten beaten. Th-This morning I w-woke up and it was a l-little early so I-I came here."

         I stare at him obviously worried. "This is not something you should be used to, Izuku.." I say a in a soft tone. He started crying and hugged me tightly.

||Present Mic's POV||

         Did he just say he is abused..? Poor Izuku... I have to get him out of that house and away from his father..! Then it hit me!

"Can he have a dorm?" I ask Shota wanting to set my plan in action.

"That would be an excellent idea," Shota said a little bit too nonchalant if you ask me.

"I was thinking since we're soulmates we could all have a dorm together!"

         I swear I just saw a sparkle in Izuku's eyes when I said that. That brought a smile to my face and I joined the hug.

"Just so you know, I'm getting the other pro heroes to arrest your dad!" I say wanting to protect my little bean.

"Thank you!" Izuku said sounding a lot happier than he has.

         Then I remembered what he said about being unconscious. "If you were unconscious from getting his shouldn't you have bruises and cuts on you..?" I ask fearing his answer.

"I-I do have cuts a-and bruises I just hide them.." He said with a slightly shakey voice.

         Just to make sure I pull his shirt a little bit and I see him bandaged up. "Oh Izuku.."

"I-I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.." he said a bit sad.

"Aww, it's alright Little Listener!" I said in a little bit of a piped up tone, "Now what do we do about your father?"

~*Promises of the Stars*~ |Soulmate AU|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum