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~Post TNS~

Paris was supposed to be the highlight of their trip.

To be fair, for most of their first day spent in the city, it was – at least for Richelle. Between the iconic landmarks, the famous museums and even the delicious food, she hadn't been disappointed at all. But then it started raining (more like pouring), her and Noah's Airbnb turned out to be a scam and just like that, the dream became a complete nightmare.

Now here they are, standing in front of what was supposed to be 'their' building at past 10pm, soaking wet and trying to find a new place to spend the night without having to sell any of their organs to afford it. Paris is beautiful, but Paris is also so damn expensive – especially when you want to book something so last minute.

They were meant to be on a two-week long trip around Europe with Piper, Amy and Henry, but the three of them had fell through and there was no excuse for the two of them not to just go themselves. To be fair, it had been amazing, travelling the world with each other, they were Best Friends. Until Paris.

"Okay, I think I found something," Noah's voice suddenly rises into the dark, cold air.

Despite the hope that builds up in her core at his words, Richelle can't retain the rush of guilt that comes coursing through her as she stares at him. (There's something else, there, too, in the pit of her stomach – a feeling she's become more aware than she ever did in the past three weeks they've spent wandering around Europe together – but she chooses to ignore it. It's better this way.)

He's wearing nothing but a plaid shirt that's now sticking to his (incredibly fit) body, with droplets of water falling from his damp hair and down to his face while she is tucked inside his very comfortable leather jacket on top of her own clothes. She tried to talk him out of wrapping her in it, argued that she wasn't that cold even if she was, in fact, freezing but he didn't let her have it.

So now because of her, he's the freezing one.

"It's only like 27€ and it's really close to here. It says it's for two but I can only see one bed, though." Noah offers Richelle a weak smile while he hands her his phone so that she can judge for herself.

Under any other circumstances, she would have thoroughly read through every line of the Airbnb's offer and studied the picture for more than the ten seconds she allows herself to look at it right now. She would have taken a moment to fully consider everything. She would have probably called the landlady, a certain Mme Bertrand, and ask for more information.

But at that moment, her mind is just as frozen as the rest of her being. It prevents her from thinking too much. All she wants – all she craves – is to take a good hot shower and get rid of these soaked clothes as soon as possible. She needs the warmth of a bed while being tucked under the covers. She doesn't really care about the rest.

"Just book it," Richelle says then as she gives Noah back his device. "If it says it's for two, there must be another bed somewhere that's not in the picture."


Unless there isn't – she realizes with wild horror as they pass through the door to the tiniest apartment she's ever seen in her life.

If you can call it an apartment, with its only two rooms – one living/bedroom and one bathroom. There's not even enough space for a kitchen.

Indeed, the main room only consists of one table, one chair and... one single bed. Richelle can't keep her eyes away from the latter while a rush of panic takes over her as the realization hits her. She's gonna have to sleep inside said bed with Noah. There's absolutely no escaping it.

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