Chapter 20

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Tae Joo was in a cell in the basement of the palace, the guards already left him knowing that the air itself of that terrible place was enough to kill him.

The prince closed his eyes and sighed.

"Are you  done sighing?"

"Kang Gook? How did you get here?" the prince asked shocked

"Do you remember your... ummm... boyfriends? Well, one of them reached the prison and opened the cell, he told me where you were and I came immediately" Kang Gook replied

"Really kind but why didn't you leave?" Tae Joo asked, the secretary remained silent, he opened the door and came closer to him

"Kang Gook?" the prince asked confused

The secretary looked at him an kissed him

"We have to go, there is an army in the north, I suppose that they are still loyal to the royal family and..." Kang Gook said but tae Joo grabbed his arm to stop him

Kang Gook looked at him and tried to understand what he wanted to say but the prince just shook his head

"Kang Gook... the king isn't dead... there is nothing we can do... even if we reach the northern army the people will consider me a traitor, my father will die because of the my terrible deed and revolts will spread all over the country..."

"Are you giving up? Are you seriously giving up? After what I did just to save you you want to tell me that you want to give up?" Kang Gook shouted

"Come with me..." Tae Joo said

They left thee basement and reached the garden, while Kang Gook did his best to hide, Tae Joo just  walked calmly

"There is no reason to hide... there isn't anyone here..."

"How do you know?" Kang Gook asked, still hiding behind a pillar

The prince stopped and smirked looking at him

"Do you think that the prime minister is so silly to leave me without a guard who controls me? The court evacuated the palace, this si why you reached me that easily..."

"And why did they do such thing? How are you sure that it isn't a trap?" Kang Gook asked worried

"It makes sense... there were rumors about the Choi and Kim clans... about a plot to overthrow the king... my father... they have a quite large army in the south... they are marching to Hanseong to take the throne for themselves... tomorrow... a civil war will start...and the worst part is that I cannot help to stop it... oh, here we are..." Tae Joo said as they reached his quarters

Kang Gook entered first to check that nobody was there to kill him, the prince followed and took a little package behind a closet

"what is it?"

"It is for you... I didn't help my people but at least I will help you... some gold, you can trad these for a voyage in some western country and live a quite happy life..."

Kang Gook took it and then looked at the prince

"And you? Will you come with me?"

Tae Joo shook his head, he felt his eyes watering and hugged Kang Gook so tight that the secretary almost let the present fall onto the floor

"Good luck..."

"I won't leave until you tell me what you will do, how are you going to save yourself?" kang Gook asked shaking tae Joo's shoulders

"look at the..."

"it in't the right moment to be poetic, I want to know what you will do... Tae Joo... if it is that easy to leave... then why don't you come with me?"

Tae Joo looked away, his eyes widened



"I said go!" Tae Joo shouted and pushed Kang Gook out

The secretary saw a group of soldiers entering the couryard, he managed to go back inside and saw the prince with a little bottle in his hands, as the prince started drinking it, Kang Gook grabbed it and drank it as well

"KANG GOOK! WHY DID YOU DRINK TH...tha...that..." tae Joo fell as his legs felt cold, Kang Gook managed to lay him on his bed

"Goodnight Tae Joo..."

"why did you... k..." Tae Joo stuttered, Kang Gook's eyes closed but he kept murmuring his name

"Tae... joo..."

"Tae Joo, hey Tae Joo, wake up, oh come on wake up you little..."

"Huh? What are you doing here Kang Gook? I'm trying to sleep... you know that I have to leave tomorrow... I have to go to the airport early... thank my father for tha... WHAT IS THAT!" Tae Joo shouted, Kang Gook pressed his hand on his mouth to stop him before someone could hear him

"yes, I know I'm crazy and yes, this is a ticket for your flight... let's just say that I want to visit England too'

"you are too crazy... wait, a first class ticket? How did you buy that? How much does my father pay you? He bought an economy class ticket for me!"

'Well. I can still change my ticket and get a seat in economy class with you Tae Joo, what do you think?" Kang Gook asked smiling

'I think that first, you are a bastard becaus eyou woke me up in the middle of the night while you could tell me that yesterday and last but not least you are stupid and not just crazy, I will change MY  ticket and we willhave two seats in first class"

"Is it that important? I mean... we are going to be together... why the class should matter that much?" Kang Gook asked sighing

"Stupid part two... have you ever seen the difference between first class restroom and economy class restroom? You are already big and you cannot take all the room just for you... I understand that it... hurts simetimes but  I won't let you hurt my back just because I had to make out with you in a too tiny space, is it clear mr bodyguard?"

"You missed a part..."

'Which part?'

"YOUR bodyguard... MY  prince..."

The End

Royal Secret Tales (Where Your Eyes Linger AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now