Chapter 13

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Kang Gook was having breakfast in the kitchen of the palace, he was eating calmly since it was way too early to wake the prince up. He almost finished when a servant entered the room, he looked shocked and concerned

"What happened?" Kang Gook asked confused

"The prince isn't in his room, we're looking for him but nobody have found him yet" the servant replied panting. Kang Gook rapidly stood up and went to the prince's bedroom, he noticed that there were a lot of documents and drawings on the desk and that the prince left a letter on his bed. Kang Gook took it and started reading

Dear Kang Gook, I woke up pretty early today so I decided to finish those documents we were working on in order to get rid of all those issues... I then spent an hour organising a few things for the province, since I have to spend a lot of time here I suppose that I should do my best to make things better. 

P.S. I know that you are pretty thirsty sometimes... you will find a drawing that you will surely enjoy, it is among the laws about taxation... you know... I probably did that to make things a little spicy. I will probably come back for lunch so don't worry. 

"I'm going to kill him..." Kang Gook whispered. A servant was looking among the papers on the desk when he found a drawing of two guys making out

"What should this be?" the servant asked confused. Kang Gook's eyes widened, he ran to the desk and took the drawing from the servant's hands

"What are you doing?! How dare you!? This is his highness personal property, your fiflthy hands shouldn't touch his sacred objects!" Kang Gook shouted. The servant nodded and went away

"If you wanted it for yourself you didn't have to be rude..." the servant murmured

"Do you think that I'm deaf!? I'm going to pretend that you didn't say anything and that you apologized several times, but don't dare to do such thing again! Is it clear?" Kang Gook shouted again. 

"To be honest, do you have to shout when you are embarassed? Because it just makes you almost cute... adorable actually" Yu Jin said leaning on the door frame

"I... I don't know what you are talking about sir. If I cannot be helpful anymore I would like to go now sir" Kang Gook said looking at the ground. The nobleman came closer to him and ruffled his hair

"I think I know why Tae Joo likes you so much. By the way, I am pretty sure that you wouldn't like to go... or better... that you want to look for your lord, am I right?" Yu Jin asked

"I am pretty worried, that is right sir, but the letter was clear..." Kang Gook replied

"Oh come on, don't pretend that you are going to obey like a little dog, we both know that you're going to look for him, so why don't we make it a little less  ridiculous ok?" 

"Do you mean that you know where he is? Because it would be really helpful sir" 

"Oh don't say that again... sir... I know that I'm a nobleman but when young people like you call me that way I feel like an old man..." Yu Jin said

"So... how should I call you?" Kang Gook asked

"You can call me just Yu Jin... it doesn't really matter actually... the only other nickname I had... well... it isn't that important right? Why did we change topic? Shouldn't we go now?" Yu Jin said coming closer to the door. Kang Gook nodded and followed him. They walked for a while until they reached a small building near the sea

"Yu Jin! I thought you promised to keep this a secret! Why didn't you do what I asked you?" Tae Joo said as he saw the two guys coming

"Tae Joo, don't act like this, everyone was worried at the palace, you shouldn't have done this, you could just tell Kang Gook that you wanted to come here and it could be fine. Why do you always need to hide things?" 

"I want to... have some time for me... alone..." Tae Joo said looking at the ground

"We understand your highness... but you are the prince and you know that it means that you have to sacrifice your personal life for the good of the kingdom. I know that it might be sad but everyone will love you if you will act like a responsable monarch... or at least come to me, I will make sure to leave you enough personal space while taking care of your safety as well" Kang Gook said

"Fine... well... let's go back, there are a few things that I have to fix..." Tae Joo said. The prince came closer to the secretary and whispered

"I hope you like my drawing skills." 

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