Chapter 4

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A/N kind of a filler chapter but it had to be written to lead up to some stuff. Enjoy and comment :) also sorry for mistakes. I'm so tired.

"So what was that back there, with Mark? You have dirt on him or something?" I said, feeling Kellin's cold hand in mine. He left out a short laugh and gave me a smile.

"Yeah actually. Sophomore year he got some girl from our school pregnant and her parents were so mad that they shipped her away to live with her grandparents. He's never seen the baby or heard from her and of course he wouldn't want anyone knowing about it. They just think she went to boarding school." Wow. I actually felt myself feel a little sorry for Mark. That can't be fun knowing that a girl you may have loved is out there with your kid and you can't see them. I slowed down my step a little, my mind thinking through how that would feel. Kellin noticed, turning to me.

"It's okay. It's not like I really would tell only if he did something real bad." I nodded and continued walking. Everyone here has a past and it seems like it will be interesting to learn about them. I want to know about Kellin more. What was he like in early high school? Does he like living here? What does he want to get out of this life? Why doesn't he go to the beach with his dad anymore?

I was about to ask him when we stopped in front of my house. "Oh god" I mumbled under my breath, seeing my mom standing at the door, her hands on her hips. I turned to Kellin and gave him a sad smile. "Guess I'll see you on Monday if she doesn't murder me.

He let out a chuckle. "You'll be fine but yeah, we'll hang out soon" I didn't know what the appropriate thing to do would be. Do I give him a handshake? A hug? A kiss? In the end I just gave him a smile and jogged to my house climbing the steps. He gave me one last wave as he crossed the street to his place.

I turned around and came face to face with my mom, the thin glass layer of the screen door the only thing keeping her from ripping my head off. I let out a sigh and opened it, stepping into the house.

"Victor,"she started, looking disappointed. I looked into the living room seeing Mike sitting there guilt written all over his face. I shot him a glare before turning back to mom. "You will not go out the rest of the weekend with any friends. Do you understand? You will NOT go to anymore parties involving underage drinking and you will not drag your younger brother into it"

drag him into it??? He had plans to go before I told him I planned on going! I wasn't going to argue back though, I'll save that all for him. "Go to your room. No phone." I sighed but nodded handing her my phone before slowly walking up the stairs two at a time. I was just glad Dad was sleeping. He would give me this whole lecture on underage drinking and statistics behind alcoholism and alcohol poisoning. With a sigh I landed on my bed, my dark bedroom walls greeting me. Looks like they might be the only friends I see this weekend


"Vic it's time to go!" My mom called up the stairs as I ran my hand over the string of my acoustic guitar.

"Where?" I called down. It was 8pm. Where would she want to go with me on a Saturday?

"The movies!" She yelled back. Shit. I totally forgot she planned on me going with her to see that movie The Women In Black or whatever.

With a sigh I got out of bed and threw on a hoodie before heading downstairs . She was at the door waiting so I huffed and passed her. I would rather be listening to music or sleeping.


"I'm going to run to the bathroom so why don't you find seats?" My mom commented already walking away before I could even say okay. I walked towards the theater anyway, looking at the ground. Some of these patterns could be so interesting and very popcorn stained. All of a sudden I bumped into someone. I looked up to say sorry but was greeted by Mark. Great.

"Oh hey little viccy. Your boyfriend not here to protect you?" His friends that he was with all snickered. I just rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "Hey gay boy! Enjoy the movie!" I kept walking and joined the darkness of the theater happy that no one could see my shaking. I'm used to being called names and all that shit but the word 'fag' really gets to me. You think I would be used to it by now.

At about halfway though the movie Mark and his friends walked in. I was
currently watching the movie through the gaps in my fingers but I saw them just as they saw me. I straightened up quickly, looking away. My luck. They probably skipped out of their movie early.

Mark had a huge smile on his face while he walked up and sat two rows directly behind me. My mom didn't even notice. She was too into the movie. I was glad she didn't pick up on my mood shift though. I don't want her to have more things to worry about when it comes to me. I have enough problems as it is that she has to deal with.

The rest of the movie was agonizing. I couldn't even pay attention. The whole time I heard their laughing and whispers like "his only friend is his mom" and the original one "fag." If that wasn't bad enough they kept throwing popcorn at the back of my head, my mom still not noticing. If I was someone who was confident in myself I would have stood up, turned around and threatened them to stop or if they didn't I would fight. I'm not though. I'm not comfortable in my body or my abilities so I'll never be able to do that. It's so sad to think about. Just not good enough for anyone or anything.

As the previews rolled and the lights went up Mark and his followers walked down the stairs.

"See ya in school Vic," Mark said, giving me a smile before exiting.

"Oh is that your friend?" Mom asked brightly. I let out a slow sigh.

"Not exactly"


The next day people would look at me and smirk, obviously Mark's doing. I ignored it for the most part though. I tell myself that I don't care what other people think but I really do. I want to be liked. I want to fit in. I want to become one more of the cookie cutter images of all normal high schoolers but I can't. My mind won't let me.

Kellin really noticed the looks though. "What happened ?" He asked as I walked towards the doors to leave. It was the first time I've seen him all day and I didn't really want to talk about it but I told him anyway.

"What a fuckig dick" Kellin said angerly before turning around and marching back in. I followed after him, hoping to stop him but he found Mark first, also just leaving the school. "Leave my friend alone you fucking douche" Kellin said before shoving Mark backwards. He tripped over the step and landed flat on his back. Everyone of course got dead quiet and looked on. The smile on Mark's face didn't fade at all though. He brushed his jeans off, stood up and gave a smirk.

"Okay kells, whatever you say."

"I fucking told you not to call me that." Kellin practically growled before turning around and storming away. I turned to Mark, that creepy smile never leaving his face. What the fuck was that about. Call him what?

"Kells!" I called, catching up to his pretty speedy walking.

"I fucking hate him," he seethed. I touched his arm lightly which led him to slow down. He let out a long sigh before turning to me. "He just gets me angry." I nodded because I mean, that is reasonable.

"He's just trying to get under your skin. So why were you upset back there? What did he call you?" He looked a little confused until he realized what I was asking. A look of indecision passed by his features before he stopped now looking at his house.

"I don't like when he calls me Kells. I'll see you later okay?" He walked towards his house and didn't even look back once.

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