Chapter 2

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A/N hey guys! its been forever since I've updated anything so sorry about that. I did find some time to write this chapter though and I hope you enjoy it!

"Well hello there Vic," Kellin said, giving me a smile as I slowly made my way down the tree. I used to sit out there in our old home too, in the oak tree out back. Mike couldn't even get halfway up the tree before giving up because he was afraid of falling. He would always roll his eyes at me and call me a courageous spider monkey before storming back into the house.

I knew what I really was though. I'm not brave I'm just reckless. I sit up there because I don't care if I fall. I enjoy knowing that with one move I could be hurtled to the ground and hit the sidewalk. The choice was in my hands and that gave me a sick sense of pleasure and comfort.

My parents and brother were the only things holding me back from doing something that would shatter them. My parents are perfect together and they make amazing parents for Mike and I. We would spend many nights inside watching movie after movie together. We took turns choosing and we all had our favorite categories. My dad likes action, Mike likes comedy, I'm pretty into animated movies and fantasy and surprisingly my mom is really into horror movies. She told me early this morning to not make plans for Saturday because she wanted me to go see one that just came out in theaters with her. She may look sweet but she does have a dark side. Maybe even slightly evil.

I got to the bottom of the tree and dropped to the ground before brushing some leaves and sticks off my jeans. Mike also thinks it's amazing that I could climb the tree in skinny jeans but I mean I've gotten used to it I guess. Kellin stood there the whole time just watching me with a little smirk on his face.

"So what's up?" I asked casually as the street lights popped on. I wish it would just stay dark. I like being in the dark, most of the time at least. It's comforting for some reason. Maybe I'm just more weird than I thought.

"I was chilling in my room," Kellin said, pointing across the street. "And I saw this crazy guy climb out his window and just lay there staring at the sky so I thought 'hey, maybe I should give up on this history homework I suck at and probably won't finish anyway, and go talk to him'" I nodded, a little surprised that he lived right across the street. I don't know why I was, it's a pretty small town but it's weird because I saw him at school in the halls and was intrigued by him. Funny how that works out.

"Yeah, I have this weird thing where I like to watch the sunset," I coughed out, sounding way too girly. I tugged at the bottom of my shirt nervously just feeling the fabric.

"Sweet man, how are you liking school?" He commented, probably noticing how awkward I was getting. I let out a small sigh.

"Okay." I said slowly, sounding out the word. He gave me a look as if to say 'please continue.' "I don't know, it was just my first day and nothing really happened. Some guy in my math class called me a fag but I'm used to it so it really doesn't bother me anymore." Lie. It does bother me. A lot. My sexual preferences should not be something I'm judged about. It wasn't even anyones buisness. He didn't even know me, he just assumed. I mean, I am gay but no one needs to know that. I plan on moving out of this place soon after high school and make my way to Seattle or some place else like that. I want to travel. I want to see everything while I'm still on this earth because I'm not sure how long that'll be.

"The person who said that to you is probably Mark. He's a real prick sometimes but everyone mostly ignores him. I can talk to him and make him lay off."

"You really don't have to," I cut in quickly but he just held his hand up and shook his head.

"Consider it taken care of. I have a lot of power over the school anyway." I wanted to ask him how or why but I also didn't want to sound too eager on the first time I'm officially meeting him. All of a sudden my phone began to vibrate in my pocket, the song MakeDamnSure blasting fro the speaker. It was my alarm set daily that reminds me to take my medication on time. Mostly I ignore it but tonight I felt the need to listen to it because it would give me an excuse to leave. He kinda makes me nervous.

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