Ashley's smile widens slightly, thoughts of how much Sir Gabriel does care for her now entering her mind. From the time they first met, he has willingly accepted her for how she is. "Ever since he first met me, he has done nothing but shown how much he loves me."

"Wait, he loves you?"

Ashley nods slowly, mustering the small amount of energy that she needs for such a simple gesture. "I never thought I would be lucky enough to find love. But Gabriel happened to stumble into my life and he has been in it ever since."

She can't believe what she is hearing. Actually, she can believe it but with some difficulty. "This massive maiden found someone who loves her?" she mutters. "I have had problems finding someone who could love me ever since I grew past the seven-foot mark months ago. Then again I haven't looked for that special someone either, my dreams and ambitions taking precedence right now..."

"Are you saying something?" Ashley asks, unable to hear what her guest is saying, "It isn't polite to mumble."

"Oh, sorry," the woman apologizes, looking as she has forgotten that she is with someone, "I have a bad habit of thinking out loud. Oh! I am such a scatterbrain, I haven't even introduced myself. I am Faith Teralea."

"Ashley Evans." While looking at her new acquaintance, she notices that something is off with her eyes, more specifically their color. "May I ask you about your eyes?"

"What about my eyes?" It takes Faith a moment to realize what Ashley is referring to, her mind wandering off to more trivial matters. The maiden is asking about the fact that she had two different eye colors; her left eye being green while her right eye is blue. "My eyes, yes. It's fine if you are curious about them, a lot of people are, it is an unusual trait so I don't blame you for being curious. Though most people aren't as subtle about it as I would like them to be. I can answer the most common questions I have been asked to date. Yes, they are two different colors. Yes, I can still see fine. My father had blue eyes, my mother had green."

Ashley notices how Faith is looking up and down the length of her body, she can tell that this woman is curious about her unique stature, "You want to ask me about my size don't you?"

"Huh? What?" Faith's mind had wandered off so she had only half heard what Ashley had asked her. The giantess is only able to repeat two words before Faith interrupts her, "Oh! Right! Yeah. I will admit that I am curious about your size. You can imagine how rare it is for me to meet anyone who towers over me."

"Well, let me start by saying that I am fifty-one feet tall," Ashley begins to explain, "To answer another question, no, I have no idea what caused me to grow to such a height."

"It is obvious that whatever did cause your unique growth was not by any natural means. Because you are big, not tall," Faith explains, "If you were tall, your proportions would be a lot closer to mine, looking more stretched out and lanky." Ashley does take notice of what Faith is pointing out to her. Her body and limbs look as though someone had pulled her and stretched her out, even her hands and feet have an elongated look to them. Faith continues to talk, though her words don't seem to be directed towards the giant woman, it seems as though she has gone into another vocal thought process. "There is no way that the human body can reach such an astounding size through natural means, it just isn't possible. Something arcane maybe, I am just not sure." Faith turns to see Ashley looking at her, now realizing that she has gotten lost in thought again.

Faith is shivering, freezing from the wet weather she was caught in. Her wet hair and soaked clothing are only adding to how cold she is. Wrapping her arms around herself, she looks over to the maiden, "I don't suppose I could trouble you for something which I can wrap myself up in."

A Maiden and Her KnightWhere stories live. Discover now