25: An Anticipated Arrival

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     The town's guards are all outside of Creek's Crossing; blades were drawn and spears at the ready, archers gathered atop the two-story-high wall. Everyone is nervous, intimidated by what they could be defending the town against, a maiden in a green dress. Normally a single woman is no cause for alarm, but she seems to be at least ten times the size of any woman anyone has ever seen.

     Only one man seems confident with going up against this threat, the captain of the guard. His blonde hair is cut short and a scar along the length of his left cheek. The chest plate he is wearing, etched with an image of a bridge across it, is the only thing that shows his position among his men. His gaze is fixated on the approaching giantess, his resolve unwavering. Showing any fear would be a serious seriously bad for morale among his men; which is already lacking. "Stand your ground!" he shouts, his voice carrying the same confidence that he is showing, "If it bleeds we can kill it! It is our job to protect our fair town, Creek's Crossing, from any threat that may come our way."

     One of the guards approaches the Captain from behind, looking about as nervous as anyone else there. "C-Captain?" He nearly jumps back as the Captain turns a sideways glance at him, "I am aware that we may need to defend the town, but I don't think we will need to. I mean, I have heard plenty of rumors of a giant maiden traveling Albion with a knight at her side."

     "I have heard the rumors too," the Captain responds in a calm voice. "Many people pass through here, so it is no surprise that tales of a giant woman would be circulating."

     "Then you have heard about how she is a kind and gentle soul then?"

      "I have, but I don't put much stock in rumors, I prefer to rely on facts. I am willing to give her a chance to state her business and see what she wants. Should I decide that she is truly a threat," he tightens his grip around the hilt of his blade, drawing it slightly, "then we shall take appropriate action."

     The guard swallows hard, praying that such a conclusion will not be made. With the Captain leading them he is certain that they will prevail. What he is afraid of is the number of casualties that will result from such an encounter, more importantly, that he will be one of them.

     The Captain watches as a knight is walking in front of the maiden, his helmet tied to his waist;  leaving his face in full view. As the two draw closer to town, he keeps his hand at his blade, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. The knight stops walking, the giantess following suit before she kneels on the ground. The ground shakes beneath his feet, the tremors being a direct result of the maiden's weight.

     He looks up towards the maiden's face, her smile warm and friendly. It feels surreal for him to be standing and having to look up at a woman who is on her knees. Her size is intimidating, yet the look on her face is saying that he has nothing to worry about. He turns his attention towards the knight, having to look down at him slightly.

     "I am Sir Gabriel Ian Randal," he introduces himself. Without looking back, the knight gestures back towards the giantess who is waiting behind him, "and this lovely lady behind me is Ashley Evans."

     "Hi, everyone!" Her warm greeting is accompanied by a small wave, hoping that such a simple action will put everyone's minds at ease.

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