29: Little Playthings

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       In a clearing, several miles from the town of Creek's Crossing, a group of bandits have set up camp. The camp has been hastily set up, with only a single tent setup. With their lifestyle, they need to be able to pick up and move at a moment's notice. Though they do see themselves staying at the clearing for the foreseeable future. No one will dare approach them, not while they have the daughter of a lord.

     Michelle is bound, ropes around her wrists and ankles. Her dark blue dress, made from fine fabrics, dirty and torn; the captured woman is just as dirty as her garment. Her blonde hair is starting to become matted from neglect. Her shoes have been removed; in the unlikely event that she should free herself, she will not make it too far running in her bare feet. Her eyes are filled with terror, her cheeks still wet from her tears. She would be screaming at the top of her lungs, crying out for help, if she wasn't gagged. All she can do is whimper, praying that these bandits will return her to her father. Only one person has that authority, the bandit leader; and she is forced to remain close to him.

       The bandit leader is the largest, in both weight and build. He looks down at his prisoner, his grin showing the gaps between his teeth. He grabs her by the front of her dress, copping a feel while doing so. He lifts her to her knees, looking straight into her blue eyes. "Your father did real good paying that ransom as promptly as he did. Easy money there." He chuckles to himself, "Wish I had asked for more. Which is why I am going to squeeze him for every coin he has in his coffers." His expression changes; no longer looking pleased, he looks more disappointed. "Yet he hasn't paid the last ransom I sent. I may have to send him a message. You know, give him a sense of urgency. I may have to cut off one of your dainty little toes, that oughta let him know how serious I am."

       Michelle begins to cry hysterically, struggling and shaking her head. She has already been through so much, she does not want to add mutilation to it.

      "Then you better pray that your father pays up by tomorrow. Otherwise, a little piggie is going to go all the way home."

       The sound of metal clinking and clanking can be heard approaching from a distance, a sound that draws the attention of the entire camp. For the bandits, it is the sound of an approaching nuisance. For Michelle, it is the sound of her savior.

       "Axel," one of the bandits shouts with a grin, grabbing their leader's attention, "looks like we got a fool who wants to rescue the damsel in distress."

       A knight going up against such numbers, the odds are in their favor; but Axel is no fool. A skilled knight is capable of overcoming odds that are stacked against them. The only advantage the bandit leader has is his hostage. No knight will want to see the poor woman harmed, especially if they are being offered a reward for her safe return. He stands up, yanking the poor girl by her hair; her screaming muffled from the pain as she is forced to stand up. Axel holds her close, drawing his hunter's knife and holding it against her neck. He grins, he is holding all the cards, he is in control of this situation.

       The approaching knight, covered head to toe in armor, runs into the clearing. Axel smiles confidently, ready to make his demands. The knight turns around, looking in the direction he just came from. "Did I lose her? Dear God, please tell me I lost her."

     The entire camp is confused by the knight's actions. He is running from someone, a woman no less. Laughter roars throughout the campsite. "Looks like he is in trouble with his old lady," one bandit comments."

      The knight turns around, frantically shushing the bandits. "Be quiet!" he urges in a hushed voice, "She might hear you!"

       Axel is the only one who is not amused by this foolish knight. "Hey, Knight!" he shouts, demanding attention, "I don't know what kind of a fool you take me for, so cut the act and listen up!"

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