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Simmons POV
I can't believe that I told Leo screw you, fuck you, and to top it off, I gave him the finger!
Ugh what is wrong with me?!
Why can't I just let myself be happy? Why couldn't we just go back to the way things were?
It was a magical time before... even though Leo only remembers the first time for he was supper drunk the second and doesn't even know what happened....

Simmons POV
It's New Year's Eve, exactly 4 months after having sex with Leo, actually no, after making love to Leo.
I always can't help it, I want to kiss him so bad and it's too painful to not.
Leo and I are in his dorm yet again celebrating New Years only 5 more minutes till the new year!
Fitz is on his seventh beer and I'm only on my second and I think it's absolutely adorable that he is totally wasted.
Well he's wasted and I'm not, you know what screw being friends I still want him. I plan... to seduce his tonight!
"5...4...3....2...1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The TV reporter shouts.
"Fitz, you know you need to kiss me right now, New Years kiss, it's mandatory!" I smirk
"Fine, but it means nothing more." Fitz replies
Shoot I need him to get more drunk that he is right now.
Fitz leans in closer and I lean in closer too. He's pressing his forehead up against mine and you can sense the chemistry form a miles away.
Fitz slowly presses his warm smooth lips against mine and I know that I am in heaven again, we don't make out but there was some tounge until he breaks apart,
"There, happy?" He smirks
"Not yet." I reply under my breath so he can't hear me.
"Hold on, I'll be right back" I quickly close the door behind me and go back to my dorm. I put on something that I know he can't resist and I go to the liquor store down the street.
"Hey, I would like a bottle of scotch!"
The owner hands it to me and looks at me very closely
Shit the owner usually isn't there, it's usually some guy that doesn't really care. I pass him my fake ID and I hope he doesn't look at it to closely.
"Yeah okay, whatever good enough for me" he passes it back
I wave goodbye and take that scotch back to Fitz dorm
"Hey Fitz!"
"Hey Jemma I thought you forgot about me." Fitz quickly replies
"How could I forget about you?"
I sit closer to him than usually and I snuggle up close.
"Here try some of this."
Of course since Fitz was totally drunk he didn't bother to ask what it was nor did he take a little sip, he chugged a lot of it and then did his adorable head shake when it was to hard for him.
"Oh my god Fitz! You just chugged that!" I yell
This is gonna be better than I thought! After a few minutes he is extremely drunk and sometimes slurs his word in his cute Scottish accent.
I slowly again come closer to him and I kiss him on the check. He doesn't resist, he is super drunk and I don't think he even realizes what I am about to do to him.
I kiss him again as I make my way towards his lips. And I kiss them and he kisses back.
Damn now we are full on making out. He's gonna be so mad at me in the morning!
I giggle and we make out for the longest time I think someone can until we have to come up for air.
Fitz looks at me carefully and mutters something I really wanted him to say
"I want this Jemma, I don't think we can stay as friends."
I smile and pull him closer by his collar and I continue to kiss him. He may be drunk, but I'm not, and I know what I'm doing.
He starts to kiss my collar bone and I know this is happening again.... I wake up really early and I get dressed. I make sure there was no evidence of me being there and I quickly and quietly sneak out of his dorm.
When we go to class the following day he sees me and blushes and I skip up to him cheerfully.
"Hey Fitz!"
"Hey Jemma" he blushes
"What's wrong?"
"Crazy dream I think, gosh I was soooooo drunk the other night!" He laughs
I look at him and he has no clue what we did. I want him to know but he shouldn't, it'll be my little secret.

Simmons POV
best times were in the academy when there wasn't anything to worry about.
I know I need to finish my project and Fitz is the only one that can help me with it. I feel terrible and butterflies overflow my stomach.
I muster up the courage to go back down to the lab and I take multiple deep breaths.
I walk in and Fitz looks at me and quickly looks away
"Fitz, we need to finish, I'm sorry"
"You ought to be" Fitz emotionally says.
I walk closer and I grab his hand and it makes me feel totally terrified. He looks at my hand and back at me.
"I'm really sorry Fitz. I should have never said that. I'm just so upset over dumb things and I'm having a really bad day, could you forgive me?"
"I already have Jemma." He replies with a warm smile.
I feel like I should hug him but I think the hand thing is already weird enough and I break free.
"Let's get this started Fitz," I feel free now but somehow still caged up.
Fitz nods his head and he starts the experiment. We pass things across the table making sure not to touch eachother or make direct eye contact, when he needs to pass me the Potassium dichromate our hands touch. We both quickly pull away horrified and the bottle crashes to the floor.
Ugh we are never gonna get over this.
"I'm so sorry, my fault!" I mumble
Fitz looks at me and then back down to the little red balls that have fell to the ground and that are everywhere.
We both help clean it up and he seems upset

Fitz POV
Can Jemma and I not even touch anymore?
This is gonna be more difficult than I thought it would be.
We both clean everything up and we mutually decide to try this experiment another time. I walk her up to her dorm for it's been a really long day and I want her to sleep.
"Well this is my stop" Jemma says as she moves closer to her door.
"I guess so."
I'm about to leave when Jemma goes
"Want to come in"
I know I shouldn't but I do anyway.
"Jemma you really should get some sleep"
"Please Fitz!"
I go in and sit on the bed next to her.
"I will go to sleep I promise" she cuts me off
"Just turn around, don't look, I'm getting changed."
I do turn around and part of me wants to look but I won't.
"Okay I'm good."
I turn back around and she climbs into bed and I'm all ready to leave but she grabs my hand again.
"Can you stay?"
I start to stutter something when she urges more
"Please Fitz?"
Ugh fine I agree to stay for a little longer, and I Climb in bed with her and we get comfy, but no we are not going to have sex.
"Jemma we shouldn't."
"We won't." She insist so I believe her.
She snuggles up close and rests her head on my chest. I can't help but feel really happy.
We couldn't this be us, why couldn't we date?
Jemma falls asleep on me and I don't want to move and wake her up so I just stroke her hair that smells of strawberries.
And soon, I fall sleep too.

next morning
Fitz POV
I awake and Jemma is on top of me. Phew we are both fully dressed nothing happened. She is still asleep on me and I don't wake her, I wait for her to get up by herself.
Today is our day off so she can sleep in as long as she wants to and we don't have to do anything.
"Right here." I reply in a hush
Jemma gets up, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced you to stay."
"No, it's okay." I smile
We both sit up in the bed in silence.
I should just say it.
I take a deep breath,
"I... I'm... I can't do friends."
She looks at me shocked and I can tell she's about to cry.
"No, no, no, no, I don't mean I don't want to be your friend. I want to be more than that."
She realizes and seems more relaxed now.
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Please say yes, please say yes!
These seconds pass and they feel like hours.
"Yes, I would really like that."
She kisses me and I run my hand through her hair.
"We should tell the group."
"Okay, let's do it!" She enthusiastically says

Simmons POV
He just said he wants me to be his girlfriend and I just said yes!
I'm so happy!
We walk hand in hand over to the group.
"Guys we have an announcement." Fitz says
Everyone looks up,
"We're dating!" I say with Jemma
Everyone's eyebrows immediately go up and everyone starts talking at once.
Everyone is asking questions, but Skye.
As everyone is celebrating skye quickly sneaks out of the room.
"I should fix things with skye." I whisper to Fitz
"What happened?"
"Long story, I'll be right back."
I miss him on the check and jog out to find skye.
I need to make things right.

A/N: hoped you enjoyed my loves!!! <3

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