
Mulai dari awal

Tessa is quick to cover herself back up. Perfect. This is just so fucking perfect! Right when I'm about to burying myself into her there has to be an interruption. Damn it, I need this.

"Hardin!" Tessa whisper-shouts and I turn to her with my scowl. "I need you to go get the door."

"Why me?" I meet her volume but with extra annoyance. I hope she doesn't think my annoyance is directed at her.

"Because I'm in my pajamas!" Her annoyance seems directed towards me though...

I scoff, pointing down to my hard dick. "And this isn't worse?"

"Oh come on. You can hardly see it when you stand up." She says, hanging her head to the side.

I roll my eyes, standing up and fixing my pants. "Fine!"

I walk to the door, opening it to find Carlson staring back at me with expectant eyes. I then look into his arms to see my Emery, her eyes closed as she hugs closer to the son of a bitch.

My face contorts into a worried one, "fuck..." I say under my breath as I reach out towards her to check if she's still alive. I know, it's a little odd to do that, when it's obvious she's sleeping but I'm panicking here. "What the fuck did you do?"

Carlson then widens his eyes in surprise as he answers me, "Oh, uh- she's only sleeping, s- sir." The coward stutters.

I look up at the boy holding my sleeping daughter and I scowl at him. What if he did something. What if she isn't just sleeping? Fuck! This is so overwhelming. I wrap my arms around Emery, tugging her gently to my chest instead of his. I look up at him with an equal set of fury and worry. "Go back home. And if I find out you fucking touched her..." I let his imagination finish the rest.

He must've not understood my threat, because he begins to fucking talk, "I'm sorry. I tried to tell her to quit drinking so much, but she wouldn't listen, and the only way to get her home safely was if I drove her. I didn't drink." He rambles quickly and I have to physically stop myself from softening my expression.

Maybe he isn't so bad. Maybe he's like me with Tessa, where he tries to keep her safe. Then again, even though I tried to keep Tessa safe, all I really wanted was to fuck her at first. I can't trust this shit-head. I couldn't trust the last one, so why would I trust this one? His intentions are crystal clear to me. "Go home." And I slam the door in his face.

"Oh, my god." Tessa comes running up behind me, grabbing Emery's face like I did.

"She's just passed out." I say, and her eyes fill with worry. "She's asleep, baby. She drank too much." I clarify to assure her but her eyes only fill with more panic. Damnit.

"She's been drinking?" She squeaks, turning away from her as she walks a few feet from me to collect herself. "I knew this what she was doing. I just knew it." Her hands go to her hair, and I shake my head. This isn't the time for her reaction.

"Hey, come on. Don't beat yourself up just yet. I need to take her upstairs. Get her a water and a warm damp washcloth."

She nods quickly, scurrying into the kitchen. I take Emery upstairs, making sure to keep quiet so I don't wake Auden.

I lay her on her bed, tucking her hair behind her ears as I gently stroke her cheek. She's really a heavy sleeper, I don't know if I can get her to wake up to drink water.

Tessa enters the room with a bottle of water and a washcloth, and I use the washcloth to slightly wet her face. That's when she squeezes her eyes shut and groans.

I quickly pull the damp cloth away, watching her expectantly as she slowly flutters her eyes open. I look over at Tessa who has a look of relief on her face. I'm pretty sure she was nervous for the worst, even though she doesn't have to be. This really isn't that big of a deal. She's home now, and that's what matters.

Before It Ends • Hessa • Emery Scott Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang