Chapter TWO

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"Miss come back" a blonde fake bimbo yells running after me is heels.

I pray you fall on your plastic face

I spun around on my heels throwing a glare her way trying so hard not to grab her by the hair and slam her face into the elevator door. She does this anytime I come here.

"Look Mercy-"
"It's Marcy. M.A.R.C-"
"Yah yah congrats you can spell your name. Here's the thing if you stop me one more time I'll get you fired bet me. So next time you see me be a good little assistant and give me a fake smile. Ok? Bye"

I ride the elevator to the last floor humming and gently swaying to the song playing. After six years you'll think he'll change the song.

I walk and reached the huge dark double mohagany doors.


I slam the doors wide open and walked in like I own the place.

Someone play boss bitch cuz that's what I feel like right now

"Fuck Liv why would you do that? There's something called knocking, most normal people do it" A hot but stressed looking Leo sighs behind his desk standing up and running his fingers through his already messy dark hair.
"You know I'm not going to stop. And this is payback for all those years you slam into my room screaming" I say ploping down on one of his comfy sofas I claimed years ago releasing a content sigh.

"I was just about to take my lunch break" he walks to his coat hanger for his suit.
"Nah I'm good here . You should have told me before I layed down" I hug a pillow and heard him sigh.
Suddenly I was lifted up of the couch.
"No!"I scream reaching for it but I was held tightly.
"I'll Never forgive you for taking me away from the love of my life" I fake sob into my hands as we walked into the elevator. He places me gently on my feet.
"I taught I was the love of your life"he pouted making me giggle. I reach up to fix his tie and pat down his hair before people see us in this rough situation and. start getting ideas.
"No Aiden is the love of my life"

Aiden aka counter guy aka my long term relationship boyfriend if that makes sense . Some months into our relationship I find out Aiden's farther is the mayor.
Before I left for college we got together first as friends of course and then a relationship .

Leo doesn't approve because he hates the guy well he hates ever guy. Aiden now owns an IT company
Over the years our Sparks are slowly distinguishing. It's there but not that active and explosive. The one thing about Aiden is that he's unique.

Basically he's bipolar. Over the years I've had to deal with random mood swings, sudden bursts anger for there smallest things. Imagine having a bipolar neat freak.

"Fuck Aiden." Leo growls as the elevator dinged.
"Already have." I walked out winking at the Marcy who was glaring at me but quickly stopd to wink and adjust her dress to show more when Leo walks towards her.

How is she still employed?

"Good afternoon Mr. Rossi" she says in a soft seductive tone, twirling her fake blonde hair around her fingers.

This dumb bimbo has the nails of Satan. She reminds me of the Grinch.

"I'm out for the rest of the day make sure everything is in place and send me my schedule for tomorrow. Make sure to organize the mails and send the important ones that need immediate attention" Leo says fixing his cufflinks.
"Anything else sir?" She leans forward pushing her already ridiculously large boobs up.
"Yeah" her eyes brighten up glowing light bulbs
"Stop glaring at Olivia. If you love your job I suggest you show her the same level of respect that you show me." he spins around leaving a gaping fish behind.
" Bye Marsha" I giggle and skip towards the entrance .
"It's Marcy." I hear her whine.

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