Since When? (Dean x reader)

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My hands gripped onto the pole as I spun around it one last time while the song faded out. The crowd cheered. You may be wondering how I got stuck working as a stripper. Well, it's not really that long of a story. I was a hunter. Growing up, I lived with my father. My mother died when I was still young. My father had become a hunter after that. He taught me how to defend myself against the monsters that hid in our closets. Despite this, he never allowed me to hunt. Every argument from age 13 to the time I ran away from the only family I had left, was all about being a hunter. It had been about 19 years since I had ran away to fight the monsters on my own. Now, I'm at a strip club, posing as a stripper, to find a shifter. Did I enjoy flailing my body in front of unruly men? Not at all. But, it had to be done. 

Once the song had ended, I made my way off stage, picking up the extra cash as I went.  I noticed a man had been staring at me from the bar. His hair was dirty blonde, he had piercing green eyes, a bit of stubble that could probably drive any woman wild when it rubbed just right. A man that dripped of complete and utter sex. Now, I really wasn't minding the attention. We locked eyes for a moment, which seemed to be his sign to get up and come say hello. He had the walk of a man who knew he made women weak at the knees. A very confident, cocky man. I liked it.

"Nice moves," he complimented as he came to a stop in front of me. 

"Thanks. I take it, you enjoyed the show?" I replied as I licked my lips.

"Absolutely. The way you move is... hypnotizing. I'd really like to see it in private."

I chuckled quietly. "I'm not one for private dances."

"Then maybe another type of private show?"

Running a hand through my hair, I considered my options. I could turn him down and not risk being murdered. But then again, I know how to protect myself, and I would be turning down an opportunity for a really good lay. "I'll think about it-"

Just as I was finishing up my sentence, someone wrapped their arm around me. "Nice try hotshot. She wants a real man. Not a pretty boy." 

I rolled my eyes, pulling away from the stranger. "No. Don't touch me. Don't speak for me. I don't know you." I scolded the man.

"Oh, come on, honey. Live a little." He reached for my wrist and the moment his fingers grazed my silver bracelet, his skin smoked and he hissed in pain.

I smirked. "Looks like I got my guy." I looked at the other man. "Might wanna run before this turns ugly." There was a glimmer of recognition in his eyes as I said that. I pulled out a silver blade from my black leather thigh high boot. The moment the blade was shown, each man showed a different reaction. The shifter turned and started to run. Only to be stopped by Mr. Green Eyes.

His fingers wrapped around the collar of the shifter's shirt and he pressed something against his back. I didn't hear half of what he said, but I caught the words "silver bullets". I sighed. Of course I had to choose the one hunter in the place, I thought to myself. I followed as the boys walked outside, soon joined by an extra man who had long hair. There was something eerily familiar about them.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the shifter being stabbed. The body dropped to the ground, letting the attention of both men, now obviously hunters, to fall on me. I shrugged. "Looks like my job is done."

The long haired man narrowed his eyes at me. "Who are you?"

"A hunter like you. Why?"

"You seem... different. What's your name?"

"Y/N. You?"

Green eyes smiled. That damn man was going to be the death of me and I had barely known him ten minutes. "I'm Dean Winchester. This is my brother, Sam."

I groaned. "Of course! No wonder I knew those green eyes!"

Sam seemed confused. "You know us?"

"Of course I do. Lord knows Dad made sure of that."

Dean seemed to know who I was. "Of course! Where the fuck have you been all these years?"

"Hunting if you hadn't noticed, idjit." Yep. That was me. Y/N Singer. Daughter of Bobby Singer. 

Sam nodded. "Yep. Now I remember."

"I would hope so since we were practically raised together and my dad helped me feed you with a bottle."

"We were all worried sick."

I nodded. "I'm aware. Your dad wasn't concerned though. I ran across him plenty of times and I'm guessing he never said a word." I sighed. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go get dressed and go back to my motel room. The Sunrise. Room 15. In case you wan't to catch up before we leave town." I turned and walked back into the club to get dressed. I threw on my t-shirt and jeans before leaving. By the time I arrived at the motel, the signature Winchester impala was already parked in front of my room. No doubt, the boys had already broken into my room. I got out and walked to the door, opening it right away and finding both boys waiting for me. "Alright. Get it out now. I'm sure there's plenty of yelling and screaming you wanna do for me leaving."

Dean shook his head. "No. That's not what we're going to do here. We are just going to tell you how it is and what happened." He crossed his arms. "We looked high and low for you. Every time Dad came home, we hoped you were with him. We were scared you were dead. Now, we find out you are not only alive, but living the life you would have had if you had stayed with us-"

"No. I left because if I had stayed, I would have been stuck at home doing research 24/7. My father didn't want me hunting. He wanted me to sit on the bench. That's not what I wanted to do. Then, every time I turned around to go back, every time I wanted to go home, I knew I couldn't. Something was always happening. He didn't need someone else to worry about. But now, it's too late. He's gone. I never got to say goodbye."

Dean nodded. "I'm sorry. Your dad was someone we could never replace. But, you are too. We were never able to find someone who fit just right with us. Someone to fill your dad's heart the way you did. Just know, we all forgave you a long time ago. He forgave you." 

I looked at the ground. "Thank you, Dean."

Sam cleared his throat. "I'm going to go get us a room." He gave me a quick hug before leaving the room.

"You really did look good up there tonight," Dean smirked. "Never thought I'd see you like that."

I laughed. "You, sir, are so cocky."

"Oh? And what do you think of this cockiness?" I rolled my eyes. Dean and I had always flirted with each other. Even kissed each other a few times. 

I rolled my eyes. "That depends on what you are hoping to get out of flirting with me."

I walked past him to get to my duffel bag. Unzipping it, I pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Well, I was thinking..." He placed his hands on my hips, "we could start with a bit of kissing and touching." He leaned in and whispered, "Then see where it goes." It amazed me how he could change on a dime. "How do you like that?"

"That depends."

"On what?"

"How good your kissing game is."

Hello! I am very aware of how over the place this is but it was an idea I wanted to get out. I hope you enjoyed it. Have fun, peoples!

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