-- Kick Ass Plan --

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"Well, if Holt didn't do it that means someone set him up. And whoever set him up doesn't care for monsters too much. They went to a lot of trouble making it look like Holt did it." Frankie observed.

"If we're lucky, they didn't cover all of their tracks." Darcy said, following Frankie's thought process.


Chad and Clair, after exiting the disgusting sewer with a kick-ass plan to boot, snuck back into their school, ready to search for clues.

Eyeing off Lilith and her goons, they stealthy followed them to an unused shed at the back of the school. 

Waiting till Lilith and the goons walked off, they walked into the unlocked shed, guess the goons stupid-ness was rubbing off on Lilith.

The only thing in the shed was a gym bag, unzipping it, Chad and Clair saw the contents. 

A zombie mask and a collection of spray paints.

"The mother lode" Clair said, snapping a photo to send to Frankie.


Back at Monster High, Frankie pulled up the photo that Clair had just sent her.

"Lilith was behind the attacks on the normie school!" Frankie said to the group of mystery solvers. "But we still don't know who was emailing Cleo or posting on Holt's Crypt place, or Critter pages, or why? Darcy, did Holt ever give you password for his pages?"

"Uhhh no?" Darcy said "Holt has more sense than that."

Nodding in acceptance, Frankie told the gang what Ghoulia had been up to. "Ghoulia managed to track the IP address of whoever was updating Holt's social network sites. She traced it to an old computer in the library that nobody ever uses."

"But if someone did, it would have been caught on camera." Darcy continued.

"We have to somehow get into the school's security room and check the footage." 

With  the help of Spectra, Frankie, Darcy and Ghoulia crept into the security room. Ghoulia jumped on the main computer, pulling up the camera looking directly onto the old computer.

"Why would anyone use that old hunk of junk?" Frankie said, watching over Ghoulia's shoulder as monster walked around the library, checking out the books and getting eaten by the resident squid. 

Finally, they found the one monster desperate enough to use the decrepit computer.

"Cleo?" Darcy gasped.

With the plan coordinated with the two groups, they put it into action.

Short chapter yes, but its an update so don't complain.

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